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Roseville City Council <br />Rules of Procedure <br />September 24, 2007 <br />I. <br />Th.c Cound.] adopts the most recent edition of Robefts" R- ' Order for all Council meet ings. <br />,Rule. 2 Tirninag of Couucil Packet Forniation and Deliver <br />_ ve 1 effort will ble made to seed dya,ft agendas andSUDP Ortincy documents to Councili-neniberr <br />X 4-1.7 <br />t1 n days in I advance of an ACM appeai-mor on a, Council agenda. TbJ-s additional time will, orl"Vc <br />Co-uncilmembers adcqu,ate tui-ie to study an issue aTi,d seek answers to questions. <br />Ru4e-3—A-u%,d-a <br />Aiiy-03-uneil '11-111+;1 1,1 "T <br />I.A-1 I III-1 I I- �.a ;:14G44 <br />&*I" MM lill <br />I AL JAMM <br />fig <br />MYA—I 'W iil��11 'PH h&6A MAIIIIII III i oft - IN <br />s no in, <br />10 1911 W NO .1 �I III <br />Rule 3 ALyenda <br />Tbc� fool owtiLq_ hqll bq_the, order of business of the City oun c : <br />il <br />y_ <br />