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CDuna h-flemb ers are co raced to introduce peny Rena's incl ncfiRg, backuound information ajad <br />s iA on. Councihn�n-ibers nW_�qdd items to a <br />Council ARenda until 12:00 Noon on the Wednesda-y i2rags d in ,a Monday ­City Council meethw. <br />Rule 45 Electronic and/or Paper Ag <br />.,enda Packets <br />In an effort to reduce the amount ol'paper creneratc,,d, diocumen-ts will be made available <br />lt� <br />e.11cictronically, wherifeasible. <br />Rule 56 Pub-lic Comment Pub11c Comnaent <br />The City Council will re'ceive, public C0111.1-nent at Council meetings j . n accordance,- with ttie <br />.following giiidelines: <br />a. Public Conu-nent at the becrilming of a Council meeting and not p(�rtaiiiiDg to an <br />algenda item is for the purpose of allowing the public the opportunity to express <br />their viewpoints about policy issnes facing tlicir City goveniment. Presentations <br />will be, limited to 5 ininutes per speaker. <br />b. Public. Comment pertaining to agenda iterns is for the puilDose of allowing any <br />1-nerriber of the public an opportunity to provide input on that item. These public <br />clomments will generally be received after the staff presentation on that agenda <br />j,tiem and before Council discussion and de.liberation. These public coiTuncnts are <br />also lirnited to 5 minutes per speaker. <br />c. M-einbers; of the public are always free, arid. encouraged, to reduce to writing their <br />conu-nents about city business and to submit written conu-nents to the Council or <br />staff before, duHgig, or after a Council meeting. <br />id. Signs may be held and displayed during Council Meetings but only at the back of <br />the Cmincil Chambers so that the view of thie seated audience is not obstructed. <br />e. Public coif mnent, like staff and Councilmember corm-nents, will pertain to the <br />inerits of an issue; personal attacks will be ruled out of order, <br />f. The Mayor or presiding officer may make special time-length arrangements for <br />speakers representing a group. <br />Rule 67 lissue anid MeetjDg., Curfew <br />City Council meetings generally occur on the second, third and fourth Monday of the month <br />beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Council recognizes that meetings are for the benefit of the citizens of <br />Roseville so Cotincil mectings will end by I D: 0 0 p.m. If a t i'm e se s t i've item gas not been <br />adidresised by 100:00 p.m., Council meetings may bic extendield upon the vote of the City Council, <br />but at no time will a iniecting run past 11:00 p.m. If Council business remains of the agenda, the, <br />Council may continuie the meeting to a futum date, or table such items until the next mectli)g, if <br />needed. <br />To ensure that meetings finish their business in a timely inanner, the Council will not consider <br />Iliew .t rams for discussion after 10:00 p.m. <br />