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a-! sabjece -O -6I?e!qzfb[IC body -� a Eflhorh�� <br />if juei Y T a i- � e e of r-' T laf, <br />Procedure. The following must be done to use -this ezxception-, <br />I no public body Must identify -he individual to be evaluated prior to closinar the meetinIg <br />The mectinc, must be open, at the request of thtn., individual who is the subject of t meeting, <br />so some advance notice to the individual is needed in order to allow the individual to make an <br />informed decision. <br />B6ore closinu the meetina dic councit must -state on the record the specifiic groan -ds permitting <br />It) <br />the mectincr to be closed and describe the subject to be discussed. <br />Al the next op met-ting, tb.e public body must summalize its C011clu-Sions recr and incy the <br />evaluation. The council should be careful not to I. lease private or confidential data in its <br />sunu-nark. <br />Ari.ortlej7-clieiztprii,ilege. Meetings betw,-.--,2n the governing body and its attomc y to discuss active, <br />-Lffireatencd, or Pending lit] oration may be closed when the balancing of the purposes served by the <br />attoraey-client privilege against those served by th.e open meeting law diota-tes the need for absolute <br />confidential i ty� The need for abso lute confidenti alit y should relate to litigation stTatecry, and will <br />usually arise only after a substantive decision on the underlyincy in-atter has been made. This privilege <br />may not be abused to suppress public observations of the, decision-makincy process, and does not <br />include situations where the council will be recelvina c,�,-neral to al opinions and advice on the <br />strengths and we,.,ak-nessv,,s of a proposed underlyi-ncr action that may give rise to fature litigation. <br />I <br />Procedure. The followinor must be done to use this exception: <br />B;2forc closing the meeting, the council must state on the record the speci-fic grounds pennitting <br />the meeting to be closed and describe the subject to be discussed. The council should also <br />V el It el. I --C <br />descry bow a balancing of the purposes 01 the altorney-client privilleae aCyalnSl the Purposes 01 <br />I":) ItD Z) <br />the open meeting law demonstrates the need for absolute confidentiality. <br />I- <br />The council must actually cone -nunicate with its attorney at the meeting. <br />A public body may close a niectin g to: determm'e the aski ng price for real or personal property to be <br />t) <br />sold by the public body; review confidential or nonpublic appraisal data; develop or consider offers <br />or counteroHers for the purchase or sale or real or personal property. <br />Procedure. The following must be done to use this exception., <br />— Before closing the meeting, the public body must state on the record the specific grounds for <br />=> E'-") <br />closing the mecting, describe the subject to be discussed, and identify the partico.lar P roperty Ibat <br />is the subject of the mee tin or <br />61 <br />— The mecting must be tape-recorded and the ropeTty Must be identified on the tape. The recording <br />P C7 <br />must be preserved for eight years, and must be made available to the public after all property <br />discussed at the meeting has been purchased or sold or after the public body has abandoned the <br />purchase or sale. <br />A list of co-uncil members and all other persons present at the closed rneeting must be made <br />available to the public after the closed M eetin= <br />I <br />The actual purchase or sale of the property must be approved at an open meeting, and the <br />purchase or sale piice is public data. <br />A meeting inay be closed to receive security briefing and reports, to discuss issues related to <br />security systems, to discuss emcrgoncy-response procedures and to discuss secant y deficiencies in <br />or reconunendations regarding public services, infrastructure, and facilities _.if discl-osure of the <br />infon-nationn would pose a daDcrer to public safety or compromise security procedures or responses. <br />Financial issues related to security matters MU-st be discussed, acid all related financial :decisions must <br />be made at an open meeting. <br />Procedure. The followinlz must be done to use this exception.. <br />Before closing the meeting, the public body must state on the record the spccific grounds for <br />closing the meeting and describe the subject to be discussed. When describincy the subject <br />to be discussed, the public body must refer to the -facilities, systems, procedures,, services or <br />infrastructure to be considered during the closed meeting. <br />The closed meeting must be tape-recorded, and the recording must be preserved for at least four.. years. <br />A Good Start to Good Governance Leacrue of Minnesota Cities <br />