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I <br />There are sorne meetings that the law requires to be closed. The following � etffigs Est be Closed: <br />o j1feeftl?gs for prefhninai-y consideration of alleguations or charaes agrainst an hidividual'Tubject <br />Z-) 6 <br />to the public body -s authority. While the law permits the council to atmounce that it is closinor a <br />meetincr Z�� to consider charges against an individual, it is still the best practice not to refer to that <br />-In <br />individual by name. The council should state only that it is closing tho mecting to give prelimi-nary <br />consideration to allegations against someone subject to its authority, However, if someone requests <br />the name of the employee who is the subject of the closed nneeting, the name will probably have to <br />1, <br />be mist sinc-ED. the and status of any complaints agam'st an employee are public data. <br />Procedure. The following must be done to use this exceptioll'. <br />Before closing the me-eting, the council. must state on the record the specific grounds for closing <br />the mectincr and describe the subject to be discussed. <br />— The mecting must be open at the requCst of the individual who is the subject of tile nice tin or, Thus,, <br />the individual should be crivenn advance notice of the existence and nature of the chargres against <br />C) <br />hiln or her, so that the individual can rn.ake an info d decision. <br />— If the public body decides that discipline of any nature may be waiTanted regarding the specific <br />charges, further meetings must be open. <br />(Note.- There is "'R SP Cial provision dealinogr with allegations of law enforeemeDt personnel <br />misconduct; see next discussion*.) <br />,Portions of atee. thicys at i�,lh h any of thefilloi-t7ing dia-ta Ev disciessed: <br />Data that would identify alleged victims or reporters of criminal sexual conduct, domestic abuse, <br />or maltreatment of minors or vulnerable adults. <br />14 4 -4- <br />"a ILAL�Z�IAQUL J)U1"UC K U V <br />Ti4-, 4-- <br />�a I -a emirs Ud. 31 4L- 3a 17 C 114 1, t 1. 1 J L V -a F,o aa *L -1 1,J ri L s o -If I -wen U UL U1 aL.,U Q <br />law enforcement investigative data. <br />Educational data, health data., medial data, welfare data or mental health data that are uot-public <br />data. <br />An individual's medical records govemed. by section 144.335. <br />governed <br />-Procedure. Before closing the meeting, the council must state on the record the specific grounds for <br />closing the meeting and describe the subject to be discuss-ed. <br />El Notice requirements <br />Public notice. must be criven of all meetings of a public body. The notice requirements differ depending on <br />the type of the meeting. <br />However, if a -person receives actual notice of a meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting, all notice <br />requirements under the open inceling law are satisfied, regardless of the method of receipt. <br />It should also be noted that statutory cities have some additional requirements for mailing notice to their <br />council members regarding special meetings. There may also be additional notice requirements for home <br />rule chat-ter cities to consider. Tbese cities should consult their charters for more information. <br />1. Regular meetings <br />A schedule of the regular meetings must be kept on file in the city office. If the city decides to hold a <br />meeting at a different time or place it must Give the notice required for a special Meetincr <br />Cities must keep a schedule of the regular meetings of the council on file at the primary office of the <br />4n <br />council. This requirement can be complied with by posting the regular meeting schedule in a convenient <br />public location. Any meeting held at a time or place different ftom that specified in the regular schedule <br />must be treated as aspecial meetin g. <br />2. Special meetings <br />A special meeting is a meeting that is held at a tine or location different from that of a, regular meeting. <br />A city must post written notice, of a special meeting on its principal bulletin board or on the door of <br />A Good Start to GoGd Governance League of Minnesota Cities <br />