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C!, I., the bulletin <br />its meeting room if it doesWt have a buflefin bo rd. U notice is posted on a bulleUn board, <br />board must be located in a place that is reasonably accessible to the public. The notice must give the <br />date., time, place, and purpose of the meeting. It niust also ble.mailed to each individual who has filed <br />a written request for notice of special ineetin gs- As, an alternative to posting the notice, the city can <br />L <br />publish notice in the official newspaper at least three days, before- the rneetincrl <br />In statutory cities, the cleric must n-lail notice of special rneetings, to all council members at least one day <br />before the nirctincr <br />In calculating, the number of days for providing notice. do, not count the first day that the notice is given, <br />but do count the last day. If the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, that day is omitted <br />from the calculation and the followilla day is considerod. the last day (unJess, of course, it happens to be <br />a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday). <br />3. Emergency mia-stings <br />An tcemericyericy meetincy" is a special meetin called because of circumstauces tha in the, dud went of <br />0 t) 9 j <br />the public, body, require inu-nediate consideration by 'L'he public body. Posted or published notice of all <br />emer,icrency mecting is not required, However, the city must make a food faith Q06A to notify each news <br />outlet that has ftled a, written request for notice. Notice must be given by telephone or airy, other method <br />to notify members of the public body. The -notice inust iniclude the subject of the meet i.119 <br />L <br />4. , r continued meatings <br />No additional notice, is needed for a recessed or continuied meeting if all of the following criteria are <br />met: <br />This mecting is a recessed or continued session of a PrevloLls Meeting. <br />The time and place of the meeting was established during the previous Me-etincr <br />The time and place of the meeting was recorded in the, nainutes of the previous meeting. <br />C� <br />5. Closed meetings <br />The same notice requirelaients apply to closed .meetigs as to open meetings. Additionally, advance <br />notice to an individual who will be the subject of such a meeting is needed under certain circumstances <br />(such as to einployees who are the subject of performance evaluations and disciplinary proceedings). <br />I Data pracfices <br />Generally, meetings, may not be closed to discuss data that is not public. However, the public body must <br />-wst <br />close any part of'a, meeting, at which certain types of not-public data are discussed (such as active law <br />enforcement investigative data, police irate al affairs data, medical records data, and certain victim, <br />health, medical or welfare data). <br />A Good Start to Good G v,emance League of Minnesota Cities <br />