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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/27/2011 1:40:35 PM
Creation date
12/27/2011 1:40:33 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,December 05, 2011 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Gary Grefenberg,91 Mid Oaks Lane <br /> Mr. Grefenberg asked for clarification on the staff's memorandum (lines 47-50) dated <br /> December 5, 2011, and the actual effective year for servicing the 2011 bond issue of$10 <br /> million, and whether it would be included in 2012 tax impacts. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the debt service would begin in 2013, with the last bond issue <br /> repayment beginning in 2014; and clarified that the 2012 budget did not include financ- <br /> ing the $10 million bond sale already approved by the City Council, with repayments for <br /> the bonds structured to begin in 2013. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg expressed his concern that there was too much reliance in the City budget <br /> on property taxes; and applauded recent discussions on a proposed local option sales tax <br /> to share the costs for the City's park system and infrastructure with those using them be- <br /> yond Roseville residents. Mr. Grefenberg encouraged the City Council to put more atten- <br /> tion on alternative revenue sources; and opined staff's slide presentation was only part of <br /> the story. Mr. Grefenberg displayed his own interpretation of net tax levy comparisons <br /> he had personally researched with the Ramsey County Department of Property Records <br /> and Revenue for other communities, stating that the City of Roseville was only bested by <br /> that of the City of St. Paul. Mr. Grefenberg ranked those communities in order by pro- <br /> posed 2012 tax levy increased compared to their actual 2007 tax levy. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg addressed the City's reserve funds, which he called "surplus" funds; and <br /> based on his understanding from staff comments in the past, estimated that approximately <br /> $15 - $17 million could be made available through City Council discretion for use. Mr. <br /> Grefenberg opined that part of this surplus was due to water/sewer fees being increased <br /> over the last five (5) years for residents, and that the surplus was from unexpended funds <br /> that residents had been overcharged for those services; and that those funds could be used <br /> to soften the impact of the proposed 60% increase in utility fees. Mr. Grefenberg further <br /> opined that some of those surplus funds could be used for needed repairs in the City's <br /> park system, rather than relying on the most regressive type of tax, property taxes that <br /> were not based on income, when 25% of the Roseville population was aged 65 years or <br /> older and should not be relied upon to pay for park improvements. Without saying "no" <br /> to the future, Mr. Grefenberg opined that some of those reserve funds could be used to at <br /> least cover critical water sewer needs, while living without a few more ball fields or irri- <br /> gating them. <br /> Over the next year, Mr. Grefenberg asked that the City Council aggressively pursue a <br /> local sales tax option. <br /> Jim DeBenedet, 808 Millwood Avenue (Chair of PWET Commission) <br /> With respect to one line item as a potential keep in the General Fund budget, Mr. <br /> DeBenedet spoke in support of the$30,000 General Fund share for an Asset Management <br /> Program. Based on the scope of the City's responsibility in managing its significant as- <br /> sets and infrastructure system, Mr. DeBenedet opined that such a program was absolutely <br /> necessity going forward to make the right decisions and ensure sufficient, cost-effective, <br />
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