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2 5.12 In support of both the TEXT AMENDMENT and the CUP AMENDMENT are four <br />3 attachments submitted on behalf of PetSmart by Faegre and Benson. They include a <br />4 written, narrative for each application, analysis of odors at Petsma its /PetHotell, and a <br />5 noise survey, <br />6 <br />7 6.0 REVIEW OF CUP AMENDMENT. <br />8 6.1 Section. 10 13, requires the City to consider the following cri'teria when reviewing a <br />9 Conditional Use Permit-. <br />10 <br />I I a. Impact on traffic <br />12 b* Impacts on parks, streets and other public facilities <br />13 el Compatibility of the site plan, 'internal circulation,, landscaping and structure with <br />14 �contiguous pr pert 0 es <br />15 do Impact of the use on market value of contiguous properties <br />116 le. Impact on the general public health, safety, and welfare <br />17 E Compatibility with the City's Com'prehiensive Plan <br />18 <br />, dt <br />19 6.2 Rosedale Commons is an existing retail center with ample parking, established <br />20 ingress/egress, and other site improvements required when the Center was initially <br />21 approved by the City (January 14, 1985. ) No site *improvements are requested nor <br />22 required for PetSmart to occupy the premises, however the City Planner bas. detennined <br />23 that review of such a request is not unique 'in the context of CONDITIONAL USE <br />24 PERMIT cr ' iteria due to the potential impacts created fi-om boarding 108 dogs and 15 cats, <br />25 and a doggie daycare for up to 70 dogs. <br />26 <br />27 16.3 Traffic. The Community Development Department has concluded that the 'Impacts <br />28 created by a change in use (pet store with doggie day care and pet boarding) Would be <br />29 negligible. Our experience is that such new uses would add few vehicles to peak hour <br />40 <br />30 movements. That being said the 2004, Average Daily Traffic (ADT n County Road B2 <br />31 was 18, 100 and on Fairview Avenue it was 151,1500. <br />31 <br />33 6.4 Compatibilit3r. Had the proposal been to allow outdoor kennel runs for dogs, staff most <br />34 certainly would conclude that such a use is not compatible in this location and its <br />q, <br />35 proximity to residents. However, the proposal is for a fully-enclosed pet (dog and cat) <br />36 boarding area within the PetSmart store that 'includes a separate interior access. 1he <br />37 facility includes acoustical 'Insulation to eliminate noise created by barking dogs and <br />38 screeching cats. The facility also includes state-of-the-art waste removal, to eliminate <br />39 odors for the outside. Thus the City planner has determined the proposed use is an <br />140 appropriate use for the site and is Compatible with surrounding uses. <br />41 <br />42 16.5 Health, Safety, General Welfare. Because the boarding of dogs and cats will occur <br />43 within the facility with no outdoor exposure, and measures will be implemented to <br />44 address noisle and pet waste, the City Planner has concluded that there appears to be no <br />45 impact on general public health, safety, and welfare, <br />PF07-063—RCA-0 I 1408.doe Page 4 of 7 <br />