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6.6 ComprehensWe Plan. The additional use,, one that has been determined to be accessory <br />to the principal use, 'is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan designation as a <br />shopping center use. <br />0 <br />STAFF FINDINGS., <br />i-_,..7 Section 10131-01 outlines the process and standards fori'ssuance of a conditional use <br />permit. In reviewing this request, staff has made the following findings: <br />a. The use of the property as proposed will have little or no *Impact on traffic 'in the <br />area. <br />b. 'The use of the property as proposed will not have animpact on varks,,, streets anii <br />other public facifities., <br />C. The use of the, property as proposed will be compatible with contiguous <br />properties. <br />0 <br />f. The use of the property as proposed will not have an adverse impact on the market <br />value ofconfiguous, properties. <br />The use of the propertv as proposed w1*11 not, have an adverse impact on the <br />general public health, safety and welfare. <br />The use of the property as proposed is consistent with the City of Roseville's <br />Comprehensive Plan and Title 10 of the City Code (Zoning), including the City's <br />design standards. <br />7.1 Based on the findings outlined in Section 6 of this report. staff recommends approval <br />ZO,NING TEXT AMENDMENT to Sections 10102 and 1005 of the Roseville City Code <br />and an AMENDMENT to the PetSmart CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow the pet <br />boarding and doggie daycare within the Pet�Smart facility at Rosedale Commons shoppi"n.l..N. <br />center, 24,8�O Fairview Avenue, subject to the following conditions: <br />A, Pet boarding within PetHotel shall be limited to accommodations for 108 dog <br />kem-tels and 15 cat kennels within a 5�,0 12 (+/-) sq. ft. fully e'nelosed indoor <br />facility (amended per PC recommendation). <br />PF07-063—RCA-01 1408.doc Page 5 of 7 <br />