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.0 <br />910 SUGGESTED CITY COUNCIL ACTION, <br />9.1 ADOPT an ORDINANCE AMENDWG the ZONING TEXT to Section 1002 <br />Definitions — Dog Kennel to exclude pet boarding and/or day care as an accessory use to <br />pet and pet supply store and Section 1005.0 15 Use Chart to include pet boarding and/or <br />4. districts . 40 <br />pet day care as a conditional use in all zoning, aistricts where pet and pet supply stores are <br />permitted or conditional uses, for Rosedale Commons LP and PetSmart within Rosedale <br />Commons shopping center, 2480 Fairview Avenue, based on the comments in Section 5 <br />of the project report dated January 14, 2008, and <br />9.2 ADOPT a, REi SOLUTION APPROVING an, AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE <br />PERMIT for Rosedale Commons LP and PetSmiart allowing pet boarding and a doggie <br />day camp within Rosedale Commons shopping center, 2480 Fairview Avenue, based on <br />a <br />the comments findings of Section 6 and cond itions of Section 7 of the project report dated <br />January 14, 20,08. <br />Prepared by: Thomas Paschke (651-792-7074) <br />Attachments: Location map, narrative, and site plan <br />PF07-063—RCA— 408.doe Page 7 of 7 <br />