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12/27/2011 4:16:04 PM
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3o 4.0 BACKGROUND <br />31 4.1 The property, located in Planning District 13, has a zoning designation of Limited <br />32 Business (B- 1) District and a Comprehensive Plan designation of Limited Business (LB). <br />33 4.2 This request has been prompted by the applicants' desire to establish a dell and catering <br />34 facility. The rezoning would allow the proposed deli with order pick-up andVor delivery <br />35 facilities and would further allow the proposed catering service with a CUP. <br />36 5.0 REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />37, 5.1 When reviewing applications to rezone land, the Community Development Department <br />38 staff must first determine whether the antic' at use and subsequent zoning district <br />IP <br />39 designation is consistent with Roseville's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. <br />4o 5.2 The property has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Limited Business (LB). Sections <br />41 1005.01 (B-1 Limited Business Distficts) and 1005.02 (B-1B Limited Retail Districts) <br />42 collectively describe the LB designation in the Comprehensive Plan as corresponding to <br />43 the land uses allowed in the B-1 and B-1B Zoning D"llistricts, the combination of which <br />44 allows a range of medical and professional offices as well as limited retail and restaurant <br />45 uses. Other properties in the immediate vicinity have Comprehensive Plan designations <br />46 of Low Density Residential (LR), Medium Density Residential (MR), High Density <br />47 Residential (HR), and Business (B). <br />48 5.3 The 1997 Cornerstone Neighborhood Mixed-Use Project. a t)rogram to redesign key, <br />49 under-utilized retail and commercial intersections, was amended into the Comprehensive- <br />50 Plan (Book 2, Section 6B) and determined that a redesigned Lexington/Roselawn. <br />51 intersection would have great potential for positive community impact. This part of the <br />52 :Comprehensive Plan seeks to guide redevelopment rather than establish requirements for <br />53 redeveloping the :subject properties; to this end the proposed deli/restaurant use does <br />54 advance the mixed use goals established for the area surrounding this intersection., even <br />55 though the type of high quality design anticipated by the Cornerstone Program would be <br />56 better achieved if this property were redeveloped in concert with the parcel to the north. <br />57 6,P:0 REVIEW OF PROPOSED REZONING <br />58 6.1 The existing B-1 zoning prohibits both the proposed dell and the catering facility. The <br />59 proposed B-1B Zoning District, however, permits delis as a type of traditional ("Class I") <br />60 or fast food ("Class 11") restaurant and permits "Class VI" restaurants that deliver and/or <br />61 have facilities where customers can pick up phone and Internet orders. The B- I B District <br />62 also allows catering facilities with a CUP. <br />63 6.2 Without a specific definition of "deli" in the Zoning Ordinance, Planning Division staff is <br />64 utilizing a broader understanding of the term that includes the sales of meats, cheeses, <br />65 and the like, in addition to the prepared-food offerings. Staff believes this is reasonable <br />66 given that the deli section of a supermarket is where one typically finds things like pasta <br />67 salads and corn dog& alongside the cold cuts, specialty cheeses, and relish trays. <br />68 :6.3 Planning Division staff has determined that the proposed REZONING of the property is <br />69 appropriate because the 13- 1 B Zoning District allows the desired uses, which the City <br />70 Code identifies as suitable for areas guided for "limited business" uses by the <br />71 Comprehensive Plan. Some members of the public and the Planning Commission were of <br />PF07-069 — RCA-01 1408 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />
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