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2009 — 2018 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Fire <br />The mission of the Roseville Fire Department is to remain dedicated, compassionate and caring <br />professionals, providing services that improve the quality of life for our community. We envision <br />ourselves as a respected model provider of emergency services, striving for continuous <br />improvement to meet the needs of our community. The Fire Department Capital Improvement <br />Plan (CIP) was developed to identify to capital purchases to support fire department operations. <br />This CIP was developed with consideration to the Imagine Roseville 2025 process, the Fire <br />Department Strategic Plan and the 2008 Fire Station Location, Equipment, and Staffing Study. <br />The plan also takes into consideration standard practices and performance benchmarks of the <br />International City/County Manager's Association (ICMA , the Center for Public Safety <br />Excellence (CPSE)�, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)I,, the Occupational Safety & <br />Health Administration (OSHA),, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the <br />Minnesota Department of Homeland Security, the Insurance Services Organization (ISO),, the <br />Emergency Management (MnHSEM)l, and the United States Fire Administration (USFA). <br />The Fire Department's top strategic goals and priorities include.- <br />❖ Firefighter Safety. Ensuring firefighters operate with the highest consideration to their <br />safety by making it the department's highest priority to provide.- <br />• Well-trained,, consistent, predictable, and appropriate levels of on-duty staff <br />• Well-trained,, consistent, predictable, and professional supervision. <br />• High quality and well-maintained equipment and apparatus. <br />• Appropriate levels of staffing to allow the department to meet national staffing <br />and response time standards. <br />• Appropriate training programs to ensure firefighters are well-prepared and <br />practiced to safely provide services. <br />❖ Emer . <br />y Response. Ensuring the fire department has the proper capital assets to serve <br />genc <br />the community now, and into the future to provide an efficient and effective response. <br />This includes.- <br />• The proper number of fire stations, in locations that allow the department to meet <br />response time standards. <br />• The proper number of vehicles, in locations that allow the department to meet <br />response time and performance standards. <br />❖ Customer Satisfaction: Ensure the fire department is able to provide all services (i.e., <br />emergency services, prevention programs, inspections, investigations, plan review, <br />including services and training for other departments of the city). <br />To accomplish the fire department's strategic goals and priorities requires and investment in <br />capital assets. However, the fire department is at a pinnacle crossroads as it relates to the <br />investment in capital assets. <br />Operational Impacts <br />The fire department's three fire stations are among the city's oldest buildings. Very limited <br />investments in repairs and upkeep to the stations over the years have left the buildings needing <br />significant capital investment. Station I was built in the 1930's. Station 2 was built in the 1960's. <br />17 <br />