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2009 — 2018 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Station 3 was constructed in the early 1970's. Two of the stations have had mold rem ediation <br />and one fire station has a current mold issue. A fire station location,, equipment and staffing study <br />was completed in the spring of 2008. This study suggests the fire department could provide <br />services using two fire stations. This confi guration would also allow for a reduction in apparatus <br />holdings. <br />Thus,, the fire department's capital improvement plan is a two-part document, detailing the capital <br />%1.11 <br />needs if the department continues to operate three fire stations under the current configuration and <br />a second plan that depicts the capital needs if the department transitions to a two-station <br />configuration. <br />While this document addresses the fire department's capital needs, consideration should also be <br />given to the significant operational savings (e.g., energy costs, fuel, repairs and maintenance) <br />that can be achieved under a two-station configuration. This will be especially prevalent if the <br />I <br />capital plans include new building(s). <br />Performance Benchmarks <br />The performance benchmarks that are impacted by the fire department's capital assets include.- <br />1. Response Times.- <br />a. Call processing time under 60 seconds. <br />b. Staff turnout time under 60 seconds. <br />c. Staffed engine arrival under 5 minutes. <br />d. Staffed medical unit arrival under 5 minutes. <br />e. Full first alarm assignment arrival (2 engines, I ladder, I rescue, <br />and 2 chiefs under 8 minutes. <br />2. Staffing <br />a. 24-hour coverage of I fully-trained advanced-EMT shift <br />supervisor. <br />b. 24 hour coverage of 4 fully-trained firefighters, with 2 being <br />trained as advanced EMTs. <br />c. Working structure fire minimum callback staffing of 20. <br />d. Callback staffing of 2 chief officers, 6 company officers. <br />e. FTE per 1,000 population served of 1.67. <br />3. Effectiveness <br />a. Fire injuries with time lost per 1,000 incidents. <br />b. Rescues and recoveries performed per 10,000 population served. <br />c. Customer satisfaction for quality of service rated excellent by <br />90% of customers and good or higher), by 99% of customers. <br />[IN6 <br />