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LEASE AGREEMENT <br />This Lease Agreement ("Lease") is entered into this day of , 2008 by <br />and between the City of Roseville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, with its principal offices <br />located at 2660 Civic Center Drive,, Roseville,, Minnesota 55113,, Tax ID 4 41-6007849 <br />("Owner"); and TTM Operating Corporation, Inc., a Nevada corporation. <br />Lessee desires to lease a portion of the Owner's property for the location and operation of <br />antennas,, a communications equipment cabinet, and space for the location of associated <br />equipment and appurtenances, including but not limited to an emergency generator, as well as <br />rights of way for ingress and egress of utilities thereto. <br />In consideration of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,, the parties agree as follows.- <br />I. Leased Premises. Owner hereby leases to Lessee a portion of the property located at <br />1901 Alta Vista Drive,, Roseville,, Minnesota 55113,, and legally described on Exhibit A, attached <br />hereto. The tower and the City's land shall be referred to as "Owner's Property" or or (the <br />property"'. The property interest leased and granted by the Owner are the following.- <br />a) Ground space comprised of approximately 32 (4' x 8') usable square feet,, exact amount to <br />be fixed by parties and described on Exhibit A. <br />b) Structure exterior space for attachment of antennas. <br />c) Space required for cable runs to connect equipment and antennas. <br />d) Non-exclusive easements required to run utility lines and cables. <br />e) Non-exclusive easement across Owner's Property for access, seven (7) days a week, <br />twenty-four (24) hours a day. <br />No other space or property interests are being leased to the Lessee except as described as above <br />and as described on Exhibit A. <br />2. Term/Renewals. <br />a) The term of this lease shall be five years, commencing on the first (I't) day of the month <br />following the date this agreement is executed by the parties or the first (I't) day of the <br />month, last; following the date Lessee commences construction, whichever occurs I <br />b) Lessee shall have the right to extend this lease for four (4) additional five-year renewal <br />terms subject to (c) below, <br />c) This Lease shall automatically be renewed for each successive renewal term unless; (1) <br />Lessee notifies the Owner of its intention not to renew the Lease at least ninety (90) days <br />prior to the end of any initial or renewal term; or (2) Lessee is in default of any of the <br />terms or conditions of the Lease. <br />TTM Site: MSP-Z9Z <br />