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Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. <br />Goedeke stated that the vote is important since some things have been in�clulded in the chapter that <br />somie SC members don't sulpport. He has concerned aboult specific issules that have in�clulded in <br />chapters previoulsly approved by the SC, such as the three (3,) proposed bulsin�ess categories. He <br />expressed his opposition to this approach to the City's bulsin�ess land ulna categories. <br />Grefen�berg stated that the SC has achieved a remarkable am�ouln�t of con�sen�suls on most chapters. <br />He believes that the oultstan�din�g issules have been identified for the SC to address at tonight's <br />meeting. Another option wound be for the SC to decide to not make a recommendation and he wound <br />like to keep this option open . <br />Fifield reminded the groulp that tonight's meeting is the final SC meeting. It is necessary to get the SC's <br />recommendation on the draft ulpdated Comp Plan that will be forwarded to the Planning Commission <br />(PC) and City Couln�cil (CC). <br />Doherty stated that it is not fair to send it to the PC with�oult some sort of recommendation. The PC <br />wound benefit from some direction from the SC. He feels that the SC needs to vote on the oultstan�din�g <br />issules. <br />Goedeke agreed that the SC sh�oulld take a vote on each of the oultstan�din�g qulestion�s. <br />Grefen�berg distribulted a h�an�doult (Attachment C) regarding his concerns aboult implementation <br />strategies that he feels have been left oust of the Implementation Chapter. <br />Bakernan expressed her frustration with the frequlen�t occulrren�ce of written memos being handed oust <br />at SC meetings by in�dividulal SC members. When this happens, the SC didn't have adequlate time to <br />review the h�an�doults dulrin�g the meeting and then vote on approving the sulggested changes to the <br />in�dividulal chapters. She stated that Grefen�berg's h�an�doult at tonight's meeting regarding <br />implementation strategies was an example of this situlation�. <br />Grefen�berg responded that his h�an�doult was identical to his h�an�doult at the Aulgulst 14�h SC meeting. <br />His position is that all implementation strategies in the in�dividulal chapters sh�oulld be in�clulded in the <br />Implementation chapter. <br />Fifield asked whether there sh�oulld be more action steps than are culrren�tly shown in the draft plan <br />tonight. If so, they can be added dulrin�g the six-month review process. He then asked whether the <br />Implementation chapter sh�oulld show all of the implementation references in the in�dividulal chapters of <br />the plan, essentially dulplicatin�g them. SC con�sen�suls is that all implementation strategies within the <br />in�dividulal chapters sh�oulld go into the Implementation chapter. <br />Based on the SC responses to the master plan policy sulrvey in Aulgulst, the SC achieved con�sen�suls <br />on not in�cluldin�g park plans and in�frastrulctulre plans in the Comp Plan. The qulestion�s aboult the <br />relationship of master plans to the Comp Plan are focused on small area plans. <br />