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71 6.4 The Planning Division notes that there are a number of dimensional requirements that the <br />72, subject property and proposed improvements cannot achieve. Although a PUD is to be <br />73 flexible and allow for deviations for a standard district,, the R-1 district is established to <br />74 regulate single family homes and not other institutional/ governmental uses that function <br />75 like office uses and are constructed much differently than a single family home site. <br />76 6.5 Since a library is a use more in keeping with an office use and/or similar to what is <br />7­7 allowed in the Limited Business District (B-1),, the Planning Division recommends <br />78 rezoning the entire library site (12 parcels) to PUD with an underlying zoning of B-1 to <br />79 more effectively address the site's use and to allow for greater consistency with <br />1 <br />80 corresponding dimensional requirements (see Attachment K and L). <br />81 6.6 In the future, the Planning Division recommends that an Institutional Zoning District be <br />82, created to address such uses as libraries,, churches,, schools and governmental/similar type <br />83 uses. <br />84 7.0 PROJECT SPECIFICS <br />85 7.1 The Ramsey County Library Board proposes to renovate and expand the existing <br />86 Roseville branch library. The expansion seeks to add approximately 30,300 sq. ft. to the <br />8 7' existing 4�3,4�00 sq. ft. facility, primarily via a second story. To provide adequate site <br />88 space, the County purchased 7 vacant residential lots, north of the existing site. The <br />89 renovation/expansion will include.- <br />90 ■ more restroom facilities 9 7' ■ an automated book handling system <br />91 ■ more Internet work stations 98 ■ increased security <br />92, ■ larger seating and study areas 99 ■ separation of book return and coffee <br />100 shop drive-thru <br />93 ■ improved circulation workspace and <br />94 loading dock 101 expanded on-site parking and <br />102, enhanced landscaping/buffering <br />95 ■ improved and expanded mechanical <br />96 and electrical systems 103 ■ new self-check stations <br />104 6.2 Specifically, the proposal seeks only an upward (second story), addition/expansion and <br />105 not an outward or footprint expansion. However, the proposal does indicate a few <br />106 canopies or overhangs as referenced in the elevation drawings. <br />10 7, 6.3 The south parking will be modified/enhanced through the creation of a separate drive- <br />108 thru lane for the coffee shop, elimination of the book return/drop-off area, relocating 57 <br />109 on-site parking spaces to the north and installing a children's reading garden and <br />110 landscaped open space, replacing 20 on-site parking spaces with a sidewalk and <br />ill landscaping, and the addition of a rainwater garden. <br />112, 6.4 Overall on-site parking will increase from 213 to 334 spaces; all of the additional parking <br />113 will be located on the north portion of the library site. <br />PF108-030RCA082508 (3).doc <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />