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6.5 In order to accommodate the necessary parking, 80 of the 110 trees on the newly <br />acquired property will be removed. Of those trees, 28 are pine, 12 elm, 10 boxelder, 9 <br />cottonwood,, 5 oak,, 4 ash,, 4 poplar, 3 maple, 3 birch, I hackberry, and I black cherry. <br />The demolition plan indicates the trees to be removed and those to be preserved. Trees <br />such as elm,, boxelder,, cottonwood, poplar, and hackberry are generally recognized as <br />undesirable species and several of them can be recognized as evasive species. <br />12,1 8.0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENTS <br />12,2, 8.1 In addition to being generally supportive of the proposed library addition/site <br />12,3 improvements, the DRC had the following comments.* <br />124 8.2 Public Works staff has indicated that they are not concerned about the ability of the <br />12,5 existing roadways to handle the additional traffic generated by the expanded library and <br />12,6 has determined that no formal traffic study is necessary. <br />12"7 8.3 The City Engineer has reviewed the concept plan for storm water management and is <br />12,8 continuing to work with the library's consultant on final design plans. The proposal <br />12,9 which includes rain water gardens and a new storm management pond has been <br />130 supported. However, final designs premised on storm calculations will be required for <br />131 the Final Development Plan approval. <br />132, 8.4 A permit from the Rice Creek Watershed District will be necessary, but this is part of the <br />133 normal course of site permitting and need not be a part of the GENERAL CONCEPT PUD <br />134 approval. <br />135 8.5 The Engineering Department will work with the library's consultant to determine <br />136 whether an existing storm water sewer pipe and easement remains on the site. Should the <br />13 7' decision be to eliminate the pipe and remove the easement,, a request for vacation would <br />138 be processed at a later date. <br />139 8.6 The Planning Division will seek the library's interest in enhancing the comer of County <br />140 Road B and Hamline Avenue with landscaping, signage and a possible transit stop. <br />141 8.7 The site plan should be modified to include walkway extensions along Hamline Avenue, <br />142, County Road B and from those locations through the parking lot to the library building. <br />143 8.8 Chapter 1018 (Parking) of the City Code requires libraries to provide 4.1 spaces per <br />144 1,000 square feet for of gross floor area. Based on the Code staff has calculated gross <br />145 floor area to be a minimum of 62,,645 sq. ft. requiring 257 on-site parking spaces. The <br />146 proposal indicates 334 spaces, which the Planning Division supports given the volume of <br />14"7 use the Roseville branch library receives. <br />148 8.9 The Planning Division is very impressed with the change in the exterior facade of the <br />149 proposed library expansion. All materials indicated and/or discussed with staff, have <br />150 been determined to meet the requirements of Section 1011, Design Standards of the <br />151 Roseville City Code. <br />152, 9.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />153 Based on the comments and findings outlined in Sections 5-8 of this report, the Planning <br />154 Division recommends approval of the request for an GENERAL CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT <br />PF08-030RCA082508 (3).doc <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />