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�1 55 DEVELOPMENT to allow the proposed library expansion, subject to the following <br />�1 56 conditions.- <br />15 7 a. The proposed project shall meet all applicable requirements of § 1006 (Business <br />158 District Requirements) and 1011 (Design Standards) of the Roseville City Code. <br />159 b. Final grading, drainage, and utility plans shall be developed by a registered <br />160 engineer and submitted for review and approval by the Roseville City Engineer. <br />161 Said grading/drainage plan shall also be submitted to the Rice Creek Watershed <br />162, for review, approval, and permitting. <br />163 C. The landscape plan submitted for FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT approval <br />164 shall include the heightened screening necessary to mitigate the visual effects of <br />165 vehicles in the parking lot, heightened landscape adjacent residential areas, and <br />166 boulevard trees consistent with the Roseville Street Tree Master Plan. The plan <br />16 7' shall also consider creating a landscaped transit stop in the southwest comer of <br />168 the property. <br />169 d. The existing height at the pyramid generally in the center of the existing building <br />1 70 is 50 feet. Despite current elevations, the pyramid is to remain and will continue <br />1 71 to be the tallest point of the structure. <br />1 72, 10.0 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br />1 73 10.1 On August 6, 2008, the Roseville Planning Commission held the duly noted public <br />1 74 hearing for the Ramsey County library expansion. Planning Commissioners asked <br />1 75 questions of staff as well as library representatives. Those questions included.- why the <br />1176 planning staff was recommending an underlying zoning of Limited Business (better <br />117 , suited for an office-type use versus zoning residential which raises numerous <br />1178 inconsistencies in dimensional requirements), . how "green"' the library would be at <br />1179 completion of the addition (Library Board discussing pursuing gold or silver LEED <br />180 Certification), . whether additional pedestrian connections can be provided, especially <br />181 from County Road B (library will work with staff on a proposal to potentially link the <br />182, transit stop and east vehicle access area to the library entrance with pedestrian <br />183 connection),* and whether too much parking was being provided (largest issue for library <br />184 is parking). <br />185 10.2 One citizen addressed the Commission indicating that she was fully supportive of the <br />186 proposed expansion; asked for clarification on a parcel just south of the Brown-Wilbert <br />18 7' property (inadvertently left out of base map identifying Library ownership parcels),* and <br />188 alerted the Commission that removal of trees is not all bad because the neighborhood <br />189 experiences brown-outs from trees that interfere with power lines. <br />190 10.3 The Commission voted (7-0), to recommend approval of the request, subject to the <br />191 conditions indicated by the Planning Staff and to include the provision of bicycle parking <br />192, and security on the improved site, provision of a better pedestrian connection from <br />193 County Road B, and enhanced interior connections. <br />194 <br />195 11.0 SUGGESTED ACTION <br />PF108-030RCA082508 (3).doc <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />