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Attachment E <br />Q - Will automobile headlights shine into backyards? <br />A - Planting screens and fencing will be designed to shield vehicle. lights from <br />adjacent backyards, <br />Q - W'il�l you be restoring the, wetlands behind the library <br />A -Yesi . I <br />Q - Will wireless signals extend into the parking lots and will people park In the lots <br />after hours to use. the si'gnal? <br />A, - Yes, the signal will extend into the parking lots and people do use that signal <br />,after hours. The, Roseville police are: aware of this and periodically monitor cars in <br />the, lot after clol <br />sing. <br />Q �, What is the, Library doing about the wateir flooding the neighbor's back yards? <br />A, — The watershed district does not P ermif a change of'the area drainage pattern. <br />i <br />The Library drainage plan collects all the water from our site and stores it in a <br />retention pond including some drainage, which now flows off site from the acqu-iret <br />residential properfies. on the north. <br />Comments <br />Comment — I'm so impressed. The design addresses all the issues I had raised a <br />the begi�nni�ng of the pirocess. We're hoping for a design that i's less like a 'big retall <br />box. Don't lose the feeling of a neighborhood. <br />ir HAMIMMI Mers Mia 0.57: <br />M111 11 11 liull� Milo <br />Comment - Would like, to see one of the parking lot entrances line up with Sandhurst <br />andia traffic light Installed. <br />0 <br />Comment — Want to ensure that fewer patrons need to wal'k. through drive areas in <br />the parking lot — provide pedestrian walkways�., <br />Comment — Want Library to plow ends of sidewalk where. it hits the. drive-way so <br />patrons can walk thru on Hamline sidewalks. <br />Pill 1 1 <br />97, IT, I J l <br />Comment — Concern over the smell of the reteMion pond on County Road B and <br />trash in the pond. <br />