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Attachment E <br />Ramsey County Library in Roseville <br />Summary of Community, Open House <br />On July 2, 20�08, a Community Open Hou-se was heild at the. Roseville Library from <br />1 <br />6:00 — 10:00 PM. 116' "Invitations were malle-ld to, property owners in, the vicinity of thoa <br />project, aswel] as to members of the Roseville City Council and Planning <br />Commission., Approximately 25-30 attended the open house, The project architects <br />and library, staff were on hand to explain the Project, listen to the neighbors' <br />comments, and answer their questions. While, Comment/Question sheets were <br />availlable for handwritten comments, none were received. <br />Tihe following is a summary of the attendees' questions, comments, and requests'. <br />Questions <br />Q -Will on-site mechanical equipment noise be reduced? <br />A -Yes, we are specifying new state-of-the art, equipment that will be noticeably <br />quieter. <br />Q - Will the l�ibirar,y be ope-n during the construction? <br />A -Threle optilons arie. under consideration for library services during construction: <br />Discontinuie service for the 14-month construction pe-riod- or <br />Continue to provide limited service in the existing building during the <br />11 <br />consL,n period,- or <br />Providle most of the current services from a Roseville-area rental location to <br />be determined, <br />The Library Boa'rd and the Ramsey County Board wi 1 11 consider each option in the <br />near future and give direction. <br />Q - Has a color, schleme, been. selected? <br />A — Exact colors andfinishes are yet to be selected,. <br />Q - The existin, � building is 14 years old. Will this expansion last another 14 years., <br />9 1 1 1 <br />A - Tihe public library marketplace i's constantly chan� <br />,gi-ng and predictions are not <br />possible.The: n�iew, Roseville facility is being desil:gned with limited interior walls, <br />which wi'll. permit morie flexible use of space for futureI as,-yet-unknown needs. <br />ji <br />Q — Will parkiflig lot lighting be visible in the nelghborhood? <br />A — Parking lot light fixtures wi-Ill limit light from spilling off the. Library property. <br />