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RWJ W � = ll <br />Kara Hoier <br />From- Pat Trudgeon <br />Sent: Monday�, April 28, 2008 8:01 AM <br />To,- Kara Holier <br />Subject., FW: Online Form Submittal: HRA Application, <br />----------------------------- ------------ <br />Patrick Trudgeon, A,1 C <br />City Of RoaleVillie <br />Community Development Director <br />2' 0 Civic Cienter DrIve <br />Roseville... ta� 55113 <br />(6 71 1 <br />i(E51) 792-70,90 (fax) <br />plat. truidgeoln4Vci . riosev-ille . mnus <br /> <br />Supi,po p' lu, [Mai lto.. 8-apport@ci,vi cplu,s. comj <br />Sent: Friday, April 2�.5r 20.08 6-51. PM <br />To-. 'Pat Trudgeon <br />Sub)e.ct: Online Form Sub,.m,ittal: HRA Applicatioln <br />The following form, was submitted via your websitle: HRA Application <br />Nlame: Carol! Plicticher <br />Address: : <br />city, State, Zip: Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Work, Experience (specify any experience in a housing, finance or real estate field):: <br />Executive Board for Lyncyblcmsten, an elder care res,idential facility <br />I.W . designed to address <br />housing needs of ol,ider adults, Habitat for Humanity Volunteer MV work. expQrience covers 24 <br />Years at Cargill, Inc a.s an executive and experience in enterpri5f_ wide change managment. <br />Education: : M,9 from u Of Mich; P11D from U of 14N <br />C IL I e., nghl oms t e <br />'vic and Volunteer Activities (Past and Present) Executive Board (7 years') LY n <br />Execut-i'vile Board and ExecutlLve COrrmittee Min-nenota. High Tech Assoc u cf MN National Alumni <br />Board Church Boards and cOmmittees The Conference Board chair for the Council. on <br />Innovation Invi.ted, speaker to many conferences <br />Please sate your reasons for Wanting t-0 ser-ve on the Housing and RedevelcpmenL <br />Authority:! What Are the few underlying driver's for c0lin-muniEY vitality? There are many- <br />activities but few drivers., I believe stable, safe, and secure housing is critical to <br />,ensure a vital community. With the housing credit cri�sisl the needs for upgrading <br />tran8plortation, and �the declining number of manufacturing jobs, cmmu ni t i e s like vs evJ, . <br />lle <br />are facing structural. changes for which there as no precedent. I believe, solving the <br />housinS challenges for Roseville is the key for Rolseville's long term viltality and the <br />catalyslt for attracting Jobs To address these Structural chances <br />she ARA will, I heiieve, <br />require two iqqortant s%ill, sets, First the BRA will require expertise in housing, <br />c-M-edit, real estatie, finance, etc; ,se cozid, the 14RA �ill require expertise in the broader <br />area of change, managmienz,, <br />My reasons for wanting to serve on the HRA is becau5e, :1 believe housing is critical to <br />community vitality and because I have expereience and, expertise in change management which <br />I hope to, use for the betterment of Ro5evilLe. The structural changes that are <br />our communitliy w.1,11 require vision and good will to steer our community thro-Ug"n the <br />