transition. successfully
<br />What iS YOUZ ViOw, of I the role of a momber C>f the 140usinq and I�edevclloppient Author. ty?., The
<br />14RA ha8 a bi1q, compl,."cat,e,d, and' highly controversial, Job. The role of the ARA member is
<br />to provide leadership, to guide the mayor, city icounci,l
<br />1, and the citizens by listening and
<br />hearinig, by cr,afting insights, by engaging in respectful dialo-gue, by creating new
<br />solutions, relationships-, opportunities, etc. to address the unprecedented structural
<br />changes that conf ront u,s
<br />Any further Information you would like the flit y council to CO s:,
<br />n ider or that you feel is
<br />relevant to the appointment you, are seeking.: My husband and I have been Roseville
<br />rie,!gid,ent� s since 1972, we educated our wonderful sons in the Roseville school District; we
<br />Plan to age youthfully in the Roseville cornmuni�t,y of its gecaraphic location,
<br />qualitY st��-rviices, and corivnunlity vitality. It i,s our desire to bring our experience and
<br />ex-perti8e, to the service of the community. `4Y focus C us is o7-i housi
<br />th,aL it p` aye in community. ing and the critical role
<br />T understand chat all information provided in this, applIcation, except: my telephone
<br />nijinber, fax number and email address, may be distributed by the City except
<br />the publ i c
<br />n I agree to
<br />inclL2dinq, but noit limited to, being posteci on tt e City of Roseville urebsite-,
<br />waive any and all cliairn5 under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other
<br />applicabIe state and federa2 law, that in any way related to the dissem4-7-�ation to the
<br />public of information contalned in this application. that would be classified ao private
<br />undier such laws. I understand that I may contact this -responsible authority for the City of
<br />Roseville if I have any questions regarding the public � or private nature of the
<br />informaticn provided. Yes
<br />�h 11
<br />11 understand t' at the, City will not 'publish ►my phone or fax numbers or email address
<br />without, imy authorization and do hereby allow the CitV to publish (check all that apply)
<br />not Checked
<br />Daytime Te lepholne:
<br />`vellina Telephone:
<br />Home Telephone (if idif f er-ent)
<br />Work Telephone (if dif Elerent)
<br />Home Fax
<br />Work Fax:
<br />Home Email; I
<br />May we clontact you using your work email or fax?: Yes
<br />T have, reald and understan-d the statemen-s on this form, and I hereby swear
<br />the statements on this form are true. .L-yt!s ear or, affirm ti3at
<br />Additional Information:
<br />Form subinitted, on 4/25/20013, 6;51:13 PM
<br />submitted from IP Address: I
<br />Form Address: h-, tp.- - Ci t,yof rosevi ]Lie. corn/ f c)rmF,, asp? FID=251
<br />K
<br />