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2009 — 2018 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Storm Sewer <br />The 2009-2018 Storm Water Division Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) has been developed to <br />identify needs to ensure proper storm water drainage and treatment and to protect property from <br />flooding. The CIP was developed to support the intent of the Imagine Roseville 2025 goals to <br />replace infrastructure when appropriate to minimize potential for failure of these systems as well <br />as a high priority on protecting the city's environmental resources. <br />The Storm Water Utility area provides for the operation, maintenance, and replacement of storm <br />sewer infrastructure. The division also ensures compliance with a host of regulatory <br />requirements in the operation and maintenance of this system. <br />The Storm Water Utility Division long range goals include.- <br />❖ Provide for storm sewer infrastructure to meet the drainage and water quality needs of the <br />city and to protect property from flooding. <br />❖ Meet the regulatory goals of regulatory agencies in the area of storm water management. <br />❖ Provide excellent customer service addressing storm water concerns. <br />❖ Plan and implement a long term infrastructure maintenance and replacement plan. <br />To support these goals we will need to replace the existing complement of vehicles and <br />equipment when they reach the end of their useful life. Infrastructure will be evaluated for <br />appropriate rehabilitation or replacement schedules. <br />Operational Impacts <br />The city has over 100 miles of storm sewers and over 5,000 drainage structures. In addition this <br />area is responsible for over 100 ponds, ditches, and wetlands. It is recommended the city plan for <br />the replacement or rehabilitation of storm water infrastructure. <br />Other regulatory agencies have an impact on operational needs due to required compliance at the <br />local level. Storm water is highly regulated and compliance will have significant capital needs <br />implications. A long term funding plan is necessary to meet the infrastructure replacement needs. <br />The city will see additional increases in impervious areas due to higher planned densities in the <br />future. Capital needs are to support replacement of existing infrastructure and support existing <br />operational equipment as well as meeting additional regulation. <br />Financial Impacts <br />The 2009-2018 Storm Sewer Division CIP totals $6,918,,360. A year-by-year summary is <br />depicted below. <br />41 <br />