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0" <br />u iity Council Minutes <br />August 11, 2008 <br />Public Comment <br />Attachment A <br />Mayor Klausing called for plubil�ic comment i by m�eim�bieirs of the audience on any <br />n�on�-agein�da items. <br />m <br />a�. Jack Cain n,. Attorney with Ho using Preservation Project,. 570 <br />Asbury, St. Paul <br />Mr. Cann� reivieiweid the �ission of the Housing Pireiseirvat�ion Pirojeicti to <br />pireserve and supipil affordable h�ousin�g in state and n�at,ion�. <br />Mr. Cann� oplin eid t�h�ati the con seiquein ceis of the City CounciI's reicein ti <br />deicision� to approve a bionod sale for Centennia! Commons Apia rt,m�ein�t's <br />in Roseville h�ad bieiein� to allocate scarce plubil ii reisourceis from a l iimiheld <br />state al l ocat�ion�, in addit�ion� to n uimeirous negative implacts on <br />rein idein t�s, including rein t, increases of $75 - $150/m�on t'h�, a n um�bieir of <br />eviction n ot iceis wit�h�outi causei, an d a probable h�igh�eir purchase piricei <br />for the deiveil�opleir due to the bion�din�g funds. Mr. Cann questioned the <br />plubil�ic purpose reisul�t�s t�h�rough� the sale of these bion�ds; and askeid for <br />the City Councii! to enlighten� h�iim of the plubil ii purpose seirveid. <br />Mayor Klausing clarified the dist�in�ct�ion� of the bion�d issue, and conduit <br />financing t'h�rough� the City for the pirojeict�; an d the City CounciI's <br />supiplorti of opiplort a it�ieis for own eir reih�abiil it�at�ion of multiple family <br />housing, while reit�ain�in�g as mu& affordable h�ousin�g in the community <br />as ploys ibil ei. Mayor Klausing, while n�oti immediately recalling the <br />spleicifics of th�is action�, assuread Mr. Cann� t'h�at, the intent, of the City <br />Councii! was similar to the imission� of Mr. Can no's firm�, an d askeid t�h�ati <br />the City Councii! biei givein� an opiplort,un it�y to l o o k into the imat,t,eir <br />furth�eir. Mayor Klausing askeid Mr. Cann� of h�is spleicific reiqueist, to the <br />City Councii! at, t'h�is t'iimei. <br />Mr. Cann� oplin eid t�h�ati h�ad the City Councii! n oti act�eid, rat�eis for those <br />u it�s woul d have reiimain eid l owes an d reicipliein t�s of eviction n ot�iceis <br />woul d n oti have bieiein� seirveid. Mr. Cann� reivieiweid currein ti imeidiian� <br />renta! rat�eis in the Twin Cities, an d sought additiona! infor imp ation� from <br />the deiveil opleir"s subiimission imat�eirial s as to the pi ro j ei ct� ei d renta! rat�eis. <br />Mayor Klausing again askeid Mr. Cann heat, h�is purpose was in coimin�g <br />before the City Council, and h�is deisireid act�ion� of the City Councii! in� <br />ordeir to move forward, rat'h�eir t'h�an� h�aviin�g the City Councii! bieiin�g <br />vieiweid as the enemy; again assuring Mr. Cann of the City Council's <br />supiplorti of affordable housing, an�d h�is desire to solve an�y past, eirrors <br />th�ati staff an d Ica r the City Councii! imay have made in supi pica rt�in g t�h is <br />plarticul a pirojeict. <br />Mr. Cann� suggeist,eid t'h at, the City work join�t�l y witfi h�im� to see if <br />an�yt,h�in�g could biei don�ei; and askeid t�h�ati staff reispion�d to the data <br />piract'iceis a ct� i t�h�ati he h�ad subiimit�t�eid t�h�reiei weieiks ago, reiqueist�in g al! <br />data from the deiveil�opleir. <br />