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0" <br />u iity Council Minutes <br />August 11, 2008 <br />Attachment A <br />Mayor Klausing advised that this was the first he'd heard of the <br />request, and asked City Manage- Mal�in�en on the status of the <br />inrm <br />�fo�ation request'. <br />City Manage- Mal�in�en advised that staff had received the request, and <br />had respion�ded to it', with the in�form�ation pirovided to Mr. Cann via <br />complact disc. <br />Mayor Klausing asked that Mr. Cann fol�l�ow up, with him, staff or the <br />City Council as a whole if Mr. Cann t'h�ough�t, the sit,uat,ion needed to be <br />reviewed more sple�cifical�l�y. <br />Coun�cil�m�e�m�b�e�r Past arrived at this t'im�e�; apipiroxim�at�e�l�y 6:12, pi.m�. <br />Coun�cil�m�e�m�b�e�r Ilhlan oplin�e�d that she would be h�apiply to plut, this on a <br />future agenda to review what, was pire�se�n�t�e�d to the City Council, and <br />rationale for the City Coun�cil�"s decision t'h�at, the project served a plub�l�ic <br />Plu rplose�. <br />Mayor Klausing n�ot,e�d t'h�at, the in�form�at,ion pire�se�n�t�e�d to the City <br />Council in agenda packet m�at�e�rial�s was readily available to the plub�l�ic <br />and individual Coun�cil�m�e�m�b�e�rs, via the City's we�b�sit�e�. <br />Coun�cil�m�em�ber Ilhlan oplin�ed that hey- personal point of concem was if <br />the City had been asked to serve as a conduit for this band financing, <br />it was ii plortan�t, t'h�at, the City Council know what repiresen�t'ation�s were <br />made and what analysis had been plerform�ed; to allow the City Council <br />to address th is situation . <br />C. s. Karii Thomas, resid�ent a Centennial Commons Apartment <br />Building <br />Ms. Thomas, a resident of Centennial Commons for cave- 11 years, <br />reviewed act�ivit�ie�s cave- the last several months and requests of <br />aplart,m�e�n�t, �an�age��e�n�t, to complete income in�for�at�ion fermis, <br />without b�e�in�g pirovide�d a definite e�xpil�an�at�ion of those income <br />guide�l in�e�s. Ms. Th�oimas, give�n� the con�ce�rn s of n uime�rous re�side�n�t�s, <br />advised that sh�e�"d re�que�st�e�d use of the facility's coimimun it,y room for a <br />resident ime�e�t'in g to discuss the imat�t�e�r, an d al on g with an ot'h�e�r <br />n e�igh�b�or, had pirovide�d h�an d -de�l ive�re�d n ot'ice�s to all re�side�netts. Ms. <br />Thy oimas advised t�h�at�, four days pirior to the ime�e�t'in g wh�e�n� <br />management got word, she was advised that she was b�e�in�g de�n�ie�d <br />access to the com�m�un�it,y room, and a notice was dist�rib�ut�e�d that the <br />m�e�e�t'in�g had been cancelled. Ms. Thomas n�ot�e�d that she had received <br />a letter from management, delivered under hey- door, accusing hey- of <br />in�t�e�rfe�rin�g with m�an�age�m�e�n�t, business. Ms. Thomas advised that she <br />went ahead with the ime�e�t�in�g, and that it was held in hey- aplart,m�e�n�t'. <br />Ms. Thomas further advised that two weeks after that meeting, she <br />received an e�vict�ion n�ot�ice�, with n�o reason given. Ms. Thomas <br />