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0" <br />u iity Council Minutes <br />August 11, 2008 <br />Attachment A <br />e�xpire�sse�d she was con�ce�rn�e�d about ob�t'ain�in�g ot'h�e�r affordable <br />h�ousin�g, in addit�ion to con�ce�rn�s ab�out, the future of tier and her <br />husband's e�m�pil�oym�e�n�t�. <br />Ms. Thiom�as oplinie�d t'hiat, it, was pier unide�rst'anidinig t'hiat, ce�rt'aini <br />residents were going to re�m�ain�, and that some of those residents had <br />been asked to provide ve�rificat�ion of their- income e�l�igib�il�it�y, but t'h�at, <br />tier faun il�y had not been asked to do so. Ms. Thomas furt�h�e�r n�ot,e�d <br />t'h�at, many of the am�e�n�it�ie�s pire�viousl�y available were n�o longer <br />available to residents, or even accessible, whether due to con�st'ruct,ion� <br />or due to management de�cision�s. Ms. Thomas advised t'h�at, there had <br />been no re�m�ode�l�in�g in their aplart,m�e�n�t, during their 11 years of <br />residence, and that she had been under the im�pire�ssion t'h�at, there <br />would be n�o re�n�t, increases until the re�m�ode�l�in�g had been com�pil�e�t�e�d, <br />and those benefits realized by re�side�n�t�s. Ms. Thomas advised t�h�at, her <br />child's bedro= had mold, which had been re�ple�at,e�dl�y re�plort�e�d to <br />m�an�age�m�e�n�t�; and further advised that she had been e�xple�riie�n�ciin�g <br />personal and severe health issues and had been out of work since <br />June, and this was just, one more stress ploin�t, to deal with. Ms. <br />Thiomr as niot'e�d t'hiat, just, the t,e�rmr "eviction" had negative coniniot'at,ionis, <br />and allowed people to make the assum�pit,ion that they had done <br />som�e�t'h�in�g to cause their- e�vict�ion�. Mr. Thomas advised that everyone <br />on their- floor had received e�vict�ion n�ot�ice�s. <br />Mayor Klausing expiressed h�is sym�plath�ies to Ms. Thomas, and cl�arified <br />t'h�at, the City Council is not in�vol�ved with rental agreem�en�ts or <br />financing, and asked that the City's code enforcement staff fol�l�ow up, <br />regarding splecific physical issues with the facil�ity. <br />Ms. Thomas oplin�e�d that residents were being evicted for som�e�t�h�in�g for <br />which the de�ve�l�ople�r was re�ce�ivin�g tax credits; and t'h�at, the project <br />was n�ot, pirovin�g to serve a plub�l�ic plurplose�. <br />Council m�e�m bey- Ilhlan oplin�e�d the need for the City Council to foal l�ow up <br />on t'h�e�ir in�t,e�n�t, to discuss t�h is furt�h�e�r on a future Council agenda; and <br />que�st�ion�e�d whether it was possible for the City to get additional <br />inrm <br />�fo�at�ion from the pirople�rt,y owners. Coun�cil m�e�m bey- Ilhlan furt�h�e�r <br />oplin�e�d that, in the City Council's approval of tax exempt bands, the <br />circum�st�an�ce�s brought forward tonight were t�roub�l�in�g; and e�xpire�sse�d <br />her con�fusion as to why rent was in�cre�asin�g and why residen�ts were <br />b�e�in�g e�vict�e�d from the pirople'rt�y; and sought additional inrm <br />�fo�at�ion� <br />from the pirople�rt,y owner on t'h�at, asple�ct'. <br />d - Anonymous Fernale Speaker, Rwiden t of Centennial Commons <br />Apartments <br />The sple�ake�r oplin�e�d that a number of residents have had con�ce�rn�s and <br />com�pil�ain�t�s; and that many had moved out, in�cl�udin�g several wh�o had <br />become homeless. The sple�ake�r in�dicat�e�d t'h�at, many who had <br />at�t�e�m�pit�e�d to expires their- con�ce�rn�s to various plub�l ic agencies had <br />been referred to ot�h�e�rs to the ploin�t, of frust'rat,ion and con�fusion�, and <br />t'h�at, many of those residents had become fearful of the consequences <br />