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1 "7 5 f. The proposed park access road is to be constructed by the applicant (subject to a <br />1 "7 6 Public Improvement Agreement) at their cost and subsequently dedicated as public <br />1 7 7 right-�of-way. The Final Plat indicates the necessary dedication or street right-of-way. <br />1 "7 8 go The proposed road meet all City standards and be of a width of 24 feet except that <br />1 "7 9 portion of the road lying east (from Mount Ridge Road right-of-way to Langton <br />Lake Park) of the proposed cooperative parking lot where the width would be 32 <br />feet. City staff has discussed the final design and although no decision has been <br />1 2 reached,, the Park and Recreation Department desires a 32-foot wide roadway (in the <br />1 3 identified location above) for the purpose of on-street parking to serve Langton Lake <br />1 Park. <br />1 h. Park dedication may be required consistent with State Statutes 462-358 and <br />1 6 §1103.07 of the Roseville City Code. City Staff has been unable to reach an agreement <br />1 regarding payment in lieu of land dedication and public infrastructure responsibilities <br />1 i, %, with the developer. Therefore the City Council will be asked to make a determination <br />1 9 regarding the developer's responsibility toward park dedication and/or public <br />190 infrastructure improvements. Under the fee structure in place at the time of the General <br />191 Concept approval, full payment of park dedication fees total $,190,000. <br />192 9.2 The DRC met on April 10, 2008, and noted several minor items/changes that should be <br />193 incorporated into the plans and/or conditions necessary for the Final Development approval. A <br />194 review letter was composed and mailed to the applicant seeking comment and changes. On <br />May 1, 2008, the DRC reviewed the revised plan set and compiled the following <br />196 comments/conditions for the Final Development approval.- <br />197 a. The proposed public street has no outlet and no turnaround. Cul-de-sacs longer than 500 <br />feet are prohibited by Code. The code requires any cul-de-sac longer than 200 feet to <br />have a 100 foot radius turnaround. City staff is currently discussing this matter and how <br />200 it will be resolved. In addition,, the width of the street (32 versus 26 feet) is currently <br />20 1 under discussion- The DevelODer shall either accommodate a suitable turn-around on <br />202 their site or work with the City to create a turn-around within Langton Lake Park. <br />203 b. A public sidewalk connection shall be constructed from Cleveland Avenue to the <br />204 southern limits of the parcel at the park access. This public connection shall be within or <br />205 adjacent to the public road. Discussions are continuing on the provision of a public <br />206 connection from Brenner Street to the public sidewalk connection. <br />207 C. The pathway behind the buildings shall be 10 feet wide for its entire length. This is to <br />208 enable trucks to be able to pull around the building for maintenance purposes. <br />209 Suggested condition.- The developer shall construct a 10 foot wide pathway behind the <br />2 10 building for maintenance purposes. <br />2 11 do We have further reviewed the City's shoreland ordinance and found that there is an <br />2 12 exception to the hard surface setback for pathways. (see section 1016.16a note 5) <br />2 13 However,, the pathways should be as far from the wetland boundary as feasible. <br />Z��� <br />