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ARTICLE 1.1 INITIAL INFORMATION <br />§ 1.1.1 1"his Agreenietit is based on the following information and assurnptions. <br />(Note the dislyosition,for the full oi-il,ing itenis by inserting the reqttes,tediiz riniation or a stateirnient such "'not <br />fio <br />cq Plicable, " "u.nk-nott,w at ti -ne of e.xecu.tion " or "to be deterinirled liater I rnunud agreentent. <br />§ 1.1.2 PROJECT PARAMETERS <br />§ The otliective or use is: <br />(Ident�fy or describe, ifapl-n-opriate, proposed ass or goals.) <br />Scope of Work Phase 1A Phase 1B <br />Geoxergy Design Fees <br />Rink Floor Design and Two Site Visits $ 33,00, till <br />Ground Exchanger Desi(yn and Draw][ICTS $ 10,000.100 <br />I t-- <br />Phase 2 Dasher Board Desio'n $ 1, 0,000.001 <br />t- <br />fee arena mechanical & electrical plans $ 24,000.00 <br />Drawing Review $ 51000,00 <br />Engincer Stamp, weekly site visits and Pr ject Managenient 24,800-010 <br />Phase 2 Rooftop Units - Design Fees $ 16100110.00 <br />Design Fees Phase 1A Total $ 9168 ,01 <br />Design Fees Phase 1B To $I 1,161000.0o <br />Replace mechanical, electrical, refrigeration system associated with new geothermal system for Roseville Ice Area. <br />Design of building modifications if required, and participation as necided in " "Best'' alue " contracting procedlurcs. <br />§ The physical parameters are: <br />(Identify or describe, if appropriate, size, location, dimensions, or otI Pertinent inforallation, iiach as geotiechtfical <br />re1wrts about the site.) <br />§ The Owner's Program is: <br />(Ident <br />� documentation or state the nianner 'a which the program ivill be dei-7,eloped.) <br />GHX loop shall be sized to meet the current requirements of the ice rink, and shiall, be designed to be explanded in the <br />future. <br />§ 1,1.2.4 The legal parameters are: <br />(Ident ft pertinent legal infornwtion), includilig, �:f appropriate, land surveys and legal descriptions and restrictions <br />of the site.) <br />(Paragraphs deleted) <br />§ The time parameters are: <br />(Jdent�fy, if appropriate, inilestone dates, durations orftist track sicheidaling.) <br />I Project completion by October 2, 2008. <br />§ The proposed procurement or defivery method for the Project is <br />(Identify inethod such cis coni.petitive bid, negotiated contract, or construction inanagetnent.) <br />Init. AIA Document B141-rm-1997 Part 1, Copyright* 1917, 1926, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1,9581, 19161 1966, 19167, 11970ii 1974,11,977, 1987 and 1997 by The <br />American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This Ale Document is protected by U.S. Copyril !�ht Law and International Treaties. <br />9 2 <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document, or any portion of it, �may result in severe civil and criminall penallies, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by, AIA software at 1I 3:29:23 on 02/08,12008 under Order <br />-7111", 1 eXp:reS on A '. -1 for r - - - I-. <br />No. 100029 11 00 111 11 1 11 J; I %x e-vvv, and is not wo" V <br />User Notes: (2078941309) <br />