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TM <br />1A Document B1�41 amm 19,9 7 P a rit, <br />Standard Form of Agreement Between Owneir and Archil tect <br />with Standard Form of Architect's Services <br />TABLE OF ARTICLES <br />1.1 INITt.1.1 INFODWW11111 <br />116*1*4 11111"1 *'`ffiol M­01,4=22111 <br />'Wilir <br />iq 101 il 11 <br />111, 411 10111MICHIN"], 119.4 <br />1.5 COMPENSATION <br />AGREEMENT made as of the '17wenty-First day of Decernber in the yii Tw1o'Th10UK1nd <br />Seven <br />Yn it-ords, indicate da..y, month and ye�tr) <br />BETWEEN the Engineer's client identified as the Owner: <br />(Naine, address and other infibi-ination) <br />I <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />and the Engineer: <br />(Nante, address and other infoi-ination) <br />Karges-Faulconbridge, Inc. <br />670 West County Road B <br />St. P-tul, MN 55113 <br />Telephone Number: 651-771-0880 <br />Fax Number: 651--771-0878 <br />For the following Project: <br />(Include detailed description of Project) <br />Mechanical & Electrical Services & Construction Management for Roseville Ice Area <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />I The Owner and Engineer agree as follows: <br />ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS <br />The author of this document has <br />,added infornnation needed for its <br />ciam l etion. The author may also <br />pi <br />11ave revisad the text of the original <br />AIA standard form., An Additions and <br />Dieletions, Repoirt that notes added <br />information as well as revisions to <br />the standard formi text is available <br />from: thie, author arid' should be <br />reviewed. A vertical line in the left <br />margin of this document indicates <br />whileire the author has added <br />necessary information and where <br />the author has added to or deleted <br />from the original AJA text. <br />This document has important legal <br />consequences. Consultation with an <br />attorney is encouraged with respect <br />to its compleflion: or imodificalion. <br />Init. AIA Document B14lIm-1997 Part I -Copyright@ 19170 1926, 1948, 1951, 119531,111958,1961, 1963, 19661, 196�7', 1970, 1`974, 19771, 191187anid 1997 by The <br />American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This Ate Document isprotlecteld by U.S. Clopyrighl L,aiw and International Treaties. <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ale Document, or any portion Hof it, miay resiultin s�ev�er�e civil 13nd criminal plienalties, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was piToduiced by AIA software at 13:29:23 ion 02/08/210108 u nder Order <br />�w r^e, ^ and not far resale <br />No.10002-917881 vvhich �_'Apfics on '6311312-00481 %A "A N.01 Ilk, LA <br />User Notes: (2078941309) <br />