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§ 1,18.4 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon not less, than seven days' Written. 110tiCe 811OUld the <br />other party fail subsuantially to perform in accordance with the tiernis of this Aloreernent tlTrOLIgh 110 fault of the p rty <br />Z�l <br />initiating the termination. <br />§ This Agreement may be tei' minated by the Owner upon not Ill than sevien days' written notice to the <br />Engineer for the Owner's convenience and without cause. <br />§ In the event of termination [lot tile 4.'au1t of the the Enginelers-hall be compensated -foi- slervices <br />performed prior to termination, together with Reimbursable Expenses then due. <br />(Paragraphs deleted) <br />§ 1.3.9 PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER <br />§ Payments on account of services rendered and (b. r Reinibursiable F"'xpenses incurrield shall ble Madle monthly <br />upon presentation of the Engineer's statement of services. No, deductions, shall 'be rn aide frio m the Eingincer's; <br />cotnpensation on account of penalty, liquidated damacres or other suni.s, withheld from payments to contractors, or can <br />acs I other than those for whicii the Engineer has been adjudicred tio be liable. <br />.ount of the cost of chancyles in the Woi C11 C� <br />Enaineer shall notify and receive Owner's approval on any single reinibursable over $1 001AO <br />Z!7 <br />'Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compenst'ition for the Engincer's services card incitidleexpenses <br />oJ <br />incurred by the Engineer and Engineer's employees and consultants directly related to, the. Pri 'ect, cis identified in <br />the following Clauses: <br />transportation in connection with the PrQject, authorized OUt-Of town travel and subsistence, and <br />e.lectronice communications; <br />.2 fees paid for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Project; <br />.3 reproductions, plots, standard form documents, postage, handling and delivei.`y of Instruments of <br />Service; <br />.4 expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates if authiorizied in advance by the Owner; <br />.5 renderings, models and mock-ups requested by the Owner; <br />.6 expense of professional liability insurance dedicated exclusively to this Pr( -Jett or dile explense of <br />additional, insurance coverage or limits requested by the Owner in excess ofthat normally carried by <br />the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants; <br />.7 reimbursable expenses as designated in Section 1.5.5; <br />.8 other similar direct Prqject-related expenditures. <br />§ Records of Reimbursable Expenses, of expenses pertaining to a Change in Services,, and of services <br />performed oil the basis of hourly rates or a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense shall be available to the Owner or <br />the Owner's authorized representative at mutually convenient times. <br />§ Direct Personnel Expense is defined as the direct salariles, of the E,nLion'Incer's personnel engaged on the <br />Project and the portion of the cost of their mandatory and custornary ciontributions anid beniefits, relatied thereto, such <br />as employment taxes and other statutory employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, employee <br />retirement plans and similar contributions. <br />ARTICLE 1.4 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND OTHER SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />§ 1.4.1 Entimeration of Parts of the Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement <br />between the Owner and the, Engineer and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agree men is, either <br />written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written inistrument, signed by both Owner and Engineer. <br />This Agreement comprises the documents listed below. <br />§ Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Engineer, i AIA Document Bi 1141-19,971. <br />§ Standard Form of Engineer's Services: Design and Conti-act Administration, AIA Docum,ent 131.41-1997, or <br />as follows: <br />(List other documents, �f any, delineating <br />(Paragi-aphs deleted) <br />Engineer's scope of sei-vices.) Consti-tiction t anageinent Serl)iii <br />A] A. Document B1 41 TM — 1997Part 1. Copyright 0 1917, 1926, 1948, 1951, 195, 19�5,8, 1961, 19163:, 19166, 1961,1 119701, 1974, 1 19771, 1987 �end 1997 by The <br />Init. P 9 n I r 1 <br />American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA2` Document �is 1 �rotlecteld by U.S. Ciopyril ht Low and In'terl ationa T eates. <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Ate Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penialties, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produiced Iby AIA software at 13:219:23 loin 02/018/201018 iu�nder Order <br />No. 1000291'88— which expires on 3/13/2008, and is not for resale. (2078941309) <br />User Notes; <br />