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g Review pay applications and other associated c-ontract related documents <br />n Set up preconstruction meetincys <br />Z1_ <br />rg Lead construction meetings and develop meeting minutes (�veekl, during construCtilon perio,d) <br />Z-1 Y t1:1 <br />ie Manage, monitor, and coordinate construction activities <br />is Review contr.1-letoll O&M manuals and record drawings <br />Review contractor provided performance testing results <br />C"oordinate closeout procedures <br />Attend one presentation at. City Council nleetinn , <br />dectl-'CaL refrigeration design� itlClUding demofition arid installiation ofilew refrigercatilon, HVAC <br />Mechanicall, C I ref 1 tD <br />system, rinlc floor and boards, and oeothermal loop field system fbr, the Roseville lce Artna itilclUldifilu IIIU4 , 1,119 <br />spaces. <br />§ Other CIOCLIments as foilows'. <br />(List other tiocume)71s, if any tl) <br />, fiorining part (�f the A ureenwn-t..) <br />§ 1.4.2 Special 1"ernes and Conditions. Special terms and conditions that modify this Agrielornet'it care a, follows: <br />ARTICLE 1.5 COMPENSATION <br />§ 1.5.1 For the Engineer's services as described under Article 14, clompensatiloil shall be coi,-nputed as foillolws: <br />One Hundred Twelve Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($112,800.00) (See attached breakdown. )i <br />§ 1.5.2 If the services of the Engineer are changed as described in Section 1,33. 11 the Engineer's clornpensiation shall <br />be adjusted. SLIch adjustment shall be calculated as described below or, if no method of adjustment is indicatedire <br />this Section 1.5.2, in an equitable manner. <br />(Insei-t basis qf compensation, including rates and nuiltiples of Direct Piersonneit E0xJ),ens,e,.ft)1- Principals (7nd <br />employees, and ident�b) Princilmls and class ft employees, �f r(�iqittired. ldlenflfi�speck fic sei-vices to ivhich particulai- <br />methocis of coinpensation apply.) <br />See attached Rate Sheet. <br />§ 1.5.3 For a Change in Services of the Engineer's consultants, compensation shall be clomputed as, a multiple of <br />C) <br />1.0 ) times the amounts billed to the Engineer for such services. <br />§ 1.5.4 For Reimbursable Expenses as described in Section t.3.91.21, and any other itlems, inicludled in Section 1.55 as <br />Reimbursable Expenses, the compensation shall be computed, as a i-nultiple f 1.0 times the expenses <br />incurred by the Engineer, and the Engineer's employees and consultants. <br />§ 1.5.5 Other ReirribLU-sable Expenses, if any, are as follows: <br />§ 1.5.6 The rates arid multiples for services of the Engineer and the Engineer's consultants as set forth in this <br />Agreement shall be adjusted in accordance with their normal salary review praictices. <br />§ 1.5.7 An initial payment of Zero ($ 0) shall be made upon execution of this Agreement and is the rninimum <br />payment under this Agreement, It shall be credited to the Owner's account at final payment. Subsequent payments <br />for services shall be made montlily, and where applicable, shall be in proportion to services performed on the basis <br />set forth in this Agreement. <br />Init. ►IA Document 8141 _rm —1997 Part 1. Copyright 0 1917, 1926, 1948,1951, 1953, 19158. 1916,1. 19163,19166, 19167,119701 11974, 19771 1987' land 1997 by The <br />American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This Ale Document is protected by U,,S,,, Coplyright �Law and IIntiarinational Treaties. <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Arlo Document, or any portion of it, may riesiul't in severe cilvil: and criminal penalties, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This docL anent was produced by ASIA soft ware at 13:29:23 on 012/0,13/2008 under Order <br />No.10002-91788 I which expires on 3/lq!2008, and k not for rosale, <br />User Notes., — t, (2,078941309) <br />