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1. 5,8 Payments are due and payable 'f' ( 30 ) days from the date of ffie Digincer's it ice. Amoullts ullpald <br />t <br />Thirty (30) days after the invoice date shall interest at the at establi,shed unidier Minnesota Statute Section <br />549,09, <br />(Msen rate ofihterest figreed uj?on,) <br />per annum <br />(Usfm-�, lai,i,is w7d requ.irejiietits under the Feden.-il Truth in Len(ling Act 'I shnilarstote and local carisain-er ci-eefit laivs <br />aiid other regulotioris at the (Ai.,r7er- s ali.d Digh7ee)-'s 1,41aces qf busrii.ess, the loci atioi?- qf the Project a7id <br />elsetvhere inay cif <br />fect the i,ulidity Of' this Pro 1!isiol?'. Sj)ec�fic lelgol acNice shoulil be obtah?-ed t+,ith )-e,,S-j.?ect to deilefions <br />01' 1110(1rficatloflsl Mid also regardili.lo requJi-ein.entS stich cis writtei-7 discloiSUITS M- II'Vivers.) <br />§ 1.5.9 If the services covered by this Agreement have not been clomp let ed withiii monthis of the diate <br />t-- <br />hereof, through no fault of the Enghieer, extencsion of the Engilieer'sservices beyond Lhat time �sh�all be coil-npen sated <br />t-17 <br />as provided in Section 1.5.2, <br />This Agreement entered into as of the day and yea.r first written above. <br />OWNER ENGINEER <br />(Sigii.attt.)-e) <br />I <br />(Nbved ii.ame awd title) <br />(Signattu-ie) <br />Mr, RZaady R, Christeilisolii, RE, <br />naline, Wl�—d <br />Init. AIA Document B141Tm — 1997 Part 1. Copyright G 1917, 1926, 1948, 1951, 19531 1911511BP 196111 P 19631 1966�,, 1967, 19170, 119741, 1 �91770 1987 and 1997 by The <br />American institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING.- This A10' Document is protected by U.S. Clopyright, Law and Intiarnational Treaties, 10 <br />Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this At Document, or any portion pct it, �may result in severe civil and criminial peinafties,, and will be <br />prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was �produced by AIA software at 13:29:23 on 012/01,8/2008 under Order <br />No,100th 1 1 0SUS-41 which expires on 3/ 1,11230083, and 'Is not for resale. <br />User Notes: ('21078941309) <br />