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31 <br />32 <br />W <br />34 DISCUSSION: <br />35 2.1 Summary of Rental Registration Ordinance <br />36 2.2 The City Attorney has revised the ordinance based on the previous City Council discussion. <br />37 A copy of the draft ordinance is attached with this report. The draft shows strikethroughs <br />38 that have been removed from the August 20, 2007 draft. <br />39 2.3 The proposed ordinance would do the following.- <br />4O a. All rental property with I to 4 units in the City will be required to apply for a rental <br />41 registration ordinance within 60 days following the effective date of the adoption of <br />4 the ordinance. <br />43 b. The City would collect the following information.- <br />44 <br />1. Name,, address and phone number of the property owner and, if owner is not <br />45 <br />a natural person, the name, address and phone number of a designated agent <br />4 <br />for the owner. <br />47 <br />48 <br />2. The name, phone number,, and address of any person authorized to make or <br />4 <br />order made repairs or services for the property, if in violation of City or State <br />50 <br />Codes,, if the person is different than the owner. <br />51 <br />52 <br />3. The street address of the rental property. <br />53 <br />54 <br />4. The number and types of units within the rental property (single family, <br />55 <br />duplex, triplex or fourplex). <br />56 <br />57 <br />5. If the rental unit is occupied by the property owner and rooms are rented to <br />58 <br />boarders,, the number of boarders and bedrooms. <br />59 <br />60 <br />6. Number of Bedrooms and Bathrooms in the rental dwelling unit. <br />61 <br />62 <br />c. The draft ordinance exempts persons from registering with the City if they rent to a <br />63 <br />family member. <br />64 <br />d. The draft ordinance allows for the city to revoke or suspend the registration if false <br />65 <br />information is given or the registration fee is not paid. <br />66 <br />e. The drat ordinance states that any person who maintains a rental dwelling unit <br />67 <br />without registering with the city could be charged with a misdemeanor. <br />68 <br />f. The draft ordinance states that it is the responsibility of the owner to take appropriate <br />69 <br />action when the conduct of a tenant violates Minnesota Statutes (i.e. gambling, <br />70 <br />prostitution, disorderly conduct)l. Three violations within one-year may result in the <br />