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LJI� <br />Councilmember Pust concurred with (Zouncilmember Roe's recollectl0r1l, <br />opining that her recollections indicated that the advisory groups <br />recommendation called for a two (2) year data gatheHng opportunity <br />prior to taking the enforcement step, <br />Further discussion included registration vversus licensing programs; <br />whether to consider multi-family reIntals be!wnd smaller unit rentals; <br />inspection considerations and issues; identifying smaller rental units; <br />and whether to remove enforcement issues from the proposed <br />ordinance to allow for data gathering and monitoring. <br />Don Munson I I <br />,f City of Roseville Building Official <br />Mr. Munson advised that a large problem was in overcrowding, and the <br />need for staff to access interiors to determine any health and safety <br />It was Council consensus that staff return with a more refined and <br />edited version for a rental property registration ordinance, excluding <br />code enforcement issues. However, staff was requested to keep those <br />code enforcement revisions for later Council consideration. <br />Councilmember Kough expressed concern that single-family hom�s <br />used for student housing based on economics be addressed <br />immediately, citing pCarking and refuse problems and neighborhood <br />concerns. <br />Coun1c.-JImember Punt noted that the recently-endorsed Uniform <br />Building Code was passed after presentation of 'the citizen advisory <br />group report, and needed to be reflected in any proposed ordinance. <br />!11 IN <br />