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Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: <br />VIT111 LAI <br />Item Description: Discussion of Parking Ordinance Responses <br />DATE.- 02/25/08 <br />ITEM.- 12.a <br />Agenda Section: <br />Background: In November 2007 the City Council requested the Public Works, Environment, <br />and Transportation Commission discuss a timeframe required to identify and study issues <br />relative to the enacting of an overnight parking ban on city streets. The Council also sought input <br />from the public via the online issues forum and in response to news articles requesting feedback <br />on this issue in news articles published in the Roseville Review. Two news articles have run in <br />the Roseville Review and have generated considerable response, both for and against parking <br />restrictions. We have tallied the responses in the attached spreadsheet. We have also mapped <br />the location of the responses on the attached map for purposes of understanding any unique <br />circumstances due to location or land use. This information was provided the PWETC <br />The PWETC discussed this item at their January 2008 meeting. The following is an excerpt from <br />the Public Works,, Environment and Transportation Commission meeting minutes of January 22, <br />2008. <br />"6. Parking Ordinance Discussion <br />Duane Schwartz stated that the City Council has asked the ("ommissionfor input <br />on this topic. <br />(',hair DeBenedet said that after reading the res ponce sfrom esidents, it seems <br />that there are large areas in the city that need on street parking to accommodate <br />today -s lifestyle, and that's a serious issue. He went on to say that if a certain <br />neighborhood was having a parking problem and wanted restricted parking they <br />could go through a petition process, and the city could study the area to see what <br />was warranted. <br />Me ber Willenbring said that after reading responses most people seem to be <br />wondering why the (.' Y ity's messing around with the parking code, since there's <br />nothing wrong with it. If there's a problem in a specific area, deal with that <br />specific area. <br />Me ber Vanderwall stated they need tojigure out some options as a city to <br />respond when abuses are reported and define what the abuses are; enforcement <br />costs need to be known before anything is done.• the City should meet with those <br />institutions that may be causing the problems; and they should keep pedestrian <br />safety in mind. <br />