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ORDINANCE O <br />SOCIAL HOST ORDINANOE <br />Th[s ordinance or6hibfts, ghd- M8 -p8 e: an <br />byp8r.sons under .. e (21) yea­r"s Of ag-e. <br />Be it ehacted by"th-b Chaska CRY CouncH, a� f6lloWs-1 <br />b Urage un"dorage po'sses'sioni and con�uftipfion, of .: done within <br />ihe" 66nffinli�'s of ti Prrvate- re"sidence, and ibteMs, to hold pets6n's6riainally <br />or consuffi A165s of "" r tho perso'n hbsting <br />or gcithering supplied the O.Icohbl- Thie Cha8k"8'Cil Cibunioll finds th;M.. <br />Even-i's aM gatherings held on priiv` ti� 6r public prop,Larty where alcohol <br />Posi�ess­ed or O nsumi�d by'porso'nsi Undbr the agel of &vi�irity -6he <br />are h irmfurl to thbte persons and colh�titute a potontial threat to public <br />health � "rrwlh g pre'VePfioh or a% t ryf rat. <br />(b) Prbhi itlr underage consufnpition t to protect underage persons <br />as well 's the ene'r l public, from injuries rebated to alcbh l <br />consufaption, such as alcohol overdose or alcohokrelatied traffic <br />G liisions -. <br />(c) is an,additfivodrug which, if used 1 respoftsi ly, c u'1d havie <br />ra0& effects on those Who ute it �t's well as those who are .affected <br />by the ddtiohs of an irroglor 8 le' s6r. <br />(d) h, events dr gatherlil Wolving b er a possession zind <br />n "' rn tin r outside the r senco f parents. H r, t'he're <br />. <br />are tim�bs tl�+� p�iri�nt isfar6 Ore et and, condonie the activity, <br />-and in some circUrnstances provide the alcohol. <br />(e) Even , h gh giving .fir fern- i8hing alcohol to 8'' wderagie persion Iis a <br />crimp, It is difficult -to prove, and EM ordinance is necessary to hel <br />further combat un'dibrage cons rbm ti ri <br />A. d tefei r t effect will. bo created ' ' ► hooldi'ng a "pier r d0rhiftali <br />res'poftsible for h*o8ting an evert or gathering where underage <br />possession or conturnotion Occurs. <br />Su . 2. Authority: This ordinance is enacted plug suant ltol Minin. St6t. §1 45A. 5 <br />subdivision 1 . <br />8 bd.a 3. i' i i 's. For p rpdtt es o this r ��i n n e the fb ll wing terms ha <br />th6 following meanings! <br />Pl� ZA>J_J� <br />1 <br />N <br />