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a) Alc6hol. "Alc6ht)J" means ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of <br />0 efhyl' or., <br />I 'd' stillie"'d, tpiifitg <br />5pirits of Wine, W'' hiskey, rum, br�hdy; gi n,, or any other, J <br />4!i�luding dlldti6h`,c�;t�hd mixture's ther6of fro-nu whatover source or b' <br />'Y <br />wNataver prot6ss OrOdUced. <br />(b) AIC-Oko'llec.'beverage. "Alcbholic bevorcig'e" mei� hs.;411bohol, spirits -,, <br />a'' d e0ary liquid or -�blid c'' nta'n*n -of, spirits <br />liquo- r, wihia, beer, 'n o i i -g alcoh <br />Wi ne, o r b6er, and Whid h contains o'he-ha'If of one percent oir more of <br />alcohol by v6lume �andwhich is fit fbf be\h�fa�gepurpo sus i alai er'alohiol <br />when dfluttd, Mixed, or combinield,wiffi dth6r <br />11910 <br />c) Event or"gathering., TV6n"tbrga1ther`1` l�l,�nea,ns any ,9irio�up' of' f�',hre'eio'r <br />more persons Who have as!§e,mb lie ��athered d o r' together fd'r a so,& a] <br />occ ail ibh or other "a..'6tivity. <br />(d) Host; "Hbtfnleans to aid, c6n ct, allow, entiert;Air)t organizie, <br />super vis-e, -control, or permit a gathering or event. <br />(9) Parerit. "Part �mWmeans anyp'eirson ft'avin'g 1 al custody of a j u'viOnile: <br />(1) M natural, adoptivo parr it or" �t6o-pa tent; <br />As a legal guardian, or <br />(3) As a 'p""�rson to wl ori!- legial cuttody has been gwie" n' 'bly <br />ord"6r"O'A the court. <br />Per5on. Terson",He"afts any indiv"I"idu'a"l, Fait niership, cio-p�ittnefship <br />corporation', or any, assoc! atioh of one or more individua'Is. <br />(g) Resid-ence or- Ptbmi�,4es. Tesidioaoe" or ""remisies" tears any hdmia, <br />P <br />yard, fan: *n, fle-ld, land, ap-artmebt, tondorninium, hote'l or motel �oorh�, <br />Pol <br />or othor dwelling shit, or a ha.11 or me�eting room' ark, or any other <br />place of assem"bly, public or private, Whther odcupied on tl'tioMporary <br />or perm; n 'nt basisr, whbthe-r occupied as a dwelling or , pebiflciafly for <br />a party or other social fUrittibri, and Whether o,Whe1d'11ease'1d,, ronted, o" r <br />u d with Ot without perMissiOn or c npohs idh. <br />Underage P�rso,h. "Underage person, is any 'Individual under tM!hty- <br />one (21) years 6f abe. <br />0) It is unlaWful for 8hy person(s) tow <br />(1) hoqt 6r allow. an ear t or gathering*- <br />(2) at any residence, pternise , or ona'�hy Other priv8te or public prioobrty; <br />'(3) where alodhol or alcoholic bibveragies aee Oresontf <br />(4) Wh the 'o er's nows ot rec-isorlably shodId khow that an uhdora <br />pe'rsbn wilfor does <br />(i) consume arly alcohol ' or alc6hiolic beverage; or <br />(ii) POSS-O's's any alcbhb] or alcohbllic bever-age with the'l[ritant to <br />consumb it; and <br />5) the p�ersbd fails to take ri"easonablie st6ps' to Previent possiossion or' <br />P <br />consuMotion by' the nderage person(si). <br />