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(by A person is crjrnina`ll� r�spqn'sjble f6r violAtIng Subdiv[sion 4(a) aboVe if the <br />pe,rsbt! intentionally Wds, advise"s, hires, Wuns'Ols,, or conspires with or othbrwisie, <br />procures ahoth'Or to c' O-"-M'M'" j the prohibited att. <br />(b) A person whb h6sts an event dr gathering dbe',�s -not have to be present at Wb <br />event or g�atherfng to, be c-ri'min- ally rd--:§pOnsi_ble. <br />ET =' <br />(a) This birdinan'cie dbes not a"pply to conduct sol.efy biet&bi(�h 8i'h undl&age` <br />parson and I his or h'er parents while presetitin the parenft hbu-seholid,. <br />(b) Thi rdih'an'ce'd6 not apply to legally protected religibus obsorvanc . <br />(c* This otd ire an does not apply -to retail intoxicafik liquor or 5.2 per'cEmt alit <br />9 <br />H Iq b mt holdiers vAo -are <br />-uor licensees, Muhicipal liqubr �toras, or boftle clu Perm] <br />rag lane by Minn. Stet. §340A.563 Subd.I(a)(1),_. <br />(d) This qrdinahce d,06�.hot apply t6 tituations whore unideraige personsl a <br />lawf011y in posse Sioh of -dltohbl or' alcOho lip c bev era igOs dun'ng the course and <br />scope of eniployrn6ht. <br />Sub . 6. Enfotc&Merit. This ordinance can- be erifofcod by any police offider or <br />sh6rifPs deputy in lhb"aounty. <br />Su . Severabilify. if any section,. subsodtioir ll. tientenice, clau,te, p , <br />woed, or otM;w portion of this &dinance is, for any reason, held t e <br />unodmtitutioneed or invailid in whole, or io part, by any courf of bbrnpotent <br />u n *sdidt' on suc h tio ail e d emed soveralblb,, dridsuch uddon8fitutionalitY <br />e <br />br invalidity shalf riot 'affed the v 1idity of the �er inihg pbIrtions of this law, which <br />reMaming portibns sha'11 contiWe in full force and 6066t. <br />SUM. 8. Pomalt `. Vidlation of Subdivision 4 i a rnlsdeni'e�anor, <br />Su . 9, Effective Dato. This Ordinance shall take e6ect thirty (30) daysi <br />follo'Wing 'Its fin] passage dhid adoption. <br />