Attachment A
<br />MEMal
<br />Jane Ritchie,. 2720 cKubin Street
<br />Ms. Rit�ch�iel oplin�eld t'h�at, the "plroplelrt,y was the l jewel of the fawn;"
<br />and further oplin�eld that it would be a shame if, because l plelopil�el
<br />are un�abll�el to afford it�, it furt�h�elr delt,elriorat,eld. Ms. Rit�ch iel adviseld
<br />t'h�at, the l residents are wil�l�in�g to make l the piroplelrt�y a real asselt, to
<br />the City; had con�sidelreld ot'h�elr opit,ion�s; and wan�t,eld to m�ain�t�ain�
<br />the l piroplelrt,y as an asselt, to the l City, thus n�elcelssit�at�in�g the
<br />h�oimelown�elrs' relquelst, to the l City for assistance.
<br />Mark Lindberg, 2708 cKubin Street,. Vice Presid�ent of
<br />Association
<br />Mr. Lindberg splokel splelcifical�l�y to Councilmember Punt, askin�g
<br />"What are your fears of doin�g this type of financing?"
<br />Councilmember Punt oplin�eld that the arguments for financing
<br />were l not blelin�g made l to a bank, but to local government; and
<br />n�ot�eld that her delcision needed to be based on ot�h�elr needs in the
<br />community of ot�h�elr m�ul�t�i-fam�il�y and sin�gl�el-fam�il�y homeowners;
<br />and ot�h�elr requests t'h�at, would be in�it�iat�eld by this pirojelct�.
<br />Councilmembey- P,ust, n�ot�eld that she needed to con�sidelr if therel
<br />was a way to st'ruct,urel t'h is to come l up, with a pllan or proplosal to
<br />increase l opiplort�un�it�iels for Gathers in sim�il�ar circum�st'an�cels; and
<br />n�ot,eld t'h�at, the "money isn"t just sit,t,in�g there," and the City would
<br />need to assume a new role l and im�pil�elimeln�t, a new pirogram�, since
<br />the City Council wasn"t generally in the blusiin�elss of l�oan�in�g out,
<br />m�on�ely; and con�sidelrat�ion�s of what the majority of the l t,axplayelrs
<br />in the l community would wan�t, done; and wh�at, Gather needs werel
<br />in the l community t'h�at, could and should be met through an HI►
<br />pi rog ra m�.
<br />Councilmember Punt expressed tier aplplreciation for the
<br />pirelseln�t'at,ion s of t�h�el Associat�ion Plrelsideln�tl t�o-dat�el; for t�h�el pica in�t�s
<br />imp adel in heelr writ,t,eln� st'a t,el m� el n� t'; anod for t�h el resear& pirovideld by
<br />t�h�el associat�ion an�d staff t�o-dat�el.
<br />Mr. Lin dblelrg n ot,eld t'h�at, t'h�el HIA St�at�ut�el h�ad a c Gas in g date of
<br />2,009; an d questioned wh�y t�h�el imon ely was sit�t in g t�h�elrel an d n ca t,
<br />blelin g useld.
<br />Ms. B,eln n elt�tl an d Councilmember P,ustl c arifield that t�h�elrel was n o
<br />f1money sit�t�in�g there;" and that the Statute l was a tool to pirovidel
<br />plubll�ic funds, and a way to play black the money to the City, but
<br />didn"t address h�ow to oblt�ain the l money, and that the City would
<br />need to find a way to coimel up, witfi the money for the pirojelct�.
<br />