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ATTACHMENT A <br /> Container Frequency of <br /> Facility Address Size Collection Normal Service <br /> City lull 2660 Civic Center 4 cu. yds. 2.times/week All year <br /> Drive <br /> Maintenance 1140 woodhill Drive 3 cu.yds. 1 time/week All year <br /> Garage 6 cu. yds. 2 tirnes/week <br /> Fire Station No. 2 25 01 Fairview Avenue 2 cu.yds. 1 time/week All year <br /> Fire Station To. 3 2335 Dale Street 1 eu. yd. 1 thnelweek All year <br /> Golf Course 2323 Harnline Avenue 2 cu.yds. 2 times/month April 1 through <br /> Call of Season October 15 <br /> Skating Center 2661 Civic Center 6 cu. yds. 1 time/week April 1 through <br /> Drive October 31 <br /> 2 times/week November 1 <br /> through Larch 31 <br /> Central Park Dale Dale Street south of 6 cu.yds. 2 time week April trough <br /> Street Athletic County Road C October 15 <br /> Fields <br /> Central Park Liens Victoria Street south of 6 erg.yds. 2 time week April 15 through <br /> Picnic Shelter County Road C October 15 <br /> Central 'ark Victoria Street south of 6 cu.yds. 2 times/week April 15 through <br /> Victoria'Ball fields County load C October 15 <br /> Central Park victoria Street south of 6 cu.yds. 2 times/week April 15 through <br /> Special Population County road C October 15 <br /> Area <br />