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that I've been a lot more exposed to as being part of this commission and something I'm interested in learning <br /> more about even though I may not be the conunission's expert on this topic. <br /> I would also still like to see further discussion as it relates to improvement the transportation network in <br /> Roseville for non-motorized users and motorized users to some extent. I believe that we can do a better j ob at <br /> maintaining our facilities, specifically our pathways and do so at minimal cost. I'd like to see our city come up <br /> with more standardization as it relates to our paths, crosswalks, and street design. I would also like to see street <br /> signals in Roseville improved in how they are configured for pedestrian access. <br /> What is your view of the role of this Commission/Board?: I believe that that this Commission should be an <br /> important intermediary between staff and the Council or between the public and the Council on nutters that <br /> relate to transportation, the environment, or other matters that our Public works department is involved or could <br /> be involved with. I believe that the Commission needs to be more of an intermediary in this regard than we've <br /> been historically. I believe that we are a group that is more approachable for the general public when tlhcy have <br /> topics or concerns in areas that relate to our Commission, we need to continue to encourage public <br /> involvement at the Commission level and not just the Council level. I do still believe that we are an aiding <br /> group for the Council and that the Council makes the final call on most topics but that our recornmendations can <br /> be useful. <br /> I believe this ommission has the ability to help improve our City's relationship with the County and to brim <br /> forward matters to the table which impact both entities. <br /> Any further information you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is relevant to the <br /> appointment or reappointment you are seeking.: I have nothing further. <br /> I understand that information provided in this application may be distributed by the City to the public including, <br /> but not limited to,being posted on the City of Roseville website. I agree to wive any and all claims under the <br /> Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or any other applicable state and federal law,that in any way related <br /> to the dissemination to the public of information contained in this application that would be classified as private <br /> under such laws. I understand that I may contact the responsible authority for the City of Roseville if I have any <br /> questions regarding the public or private nature of the information provided.: *des <br /> Occasionally City staff gets requests from the media or from the public for ways to contact Commission <br /> members. The Commission roster is perlodlcaly made available. Please indicate which information the City <br /> may release to someone who requests it or that may be included on the Commission roster. Under MN Statute <br /> 12.601. subd+ (b), either a telephone or electronic mail address or both)where you can be reached must be <br /> made available to the public. Please indicate at least one phone number or one email address to be available to <br /> the public, and fill in the corresponding information in the below.: Cell Phone Number,Preferred Email Address <br /> Home Phone : 651-492-1559 <br /> Work Phone : 651-628-3322 <br /> Cell Phone: 612-208-8306 <br /> Preferred.Email Address: <br /> I have read and understand the statements on this form, and I hereby swear or affirm that the statements on this <br /> form are true. t Yes <br />