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FINANCIAL IMPACTS <br /> 3 1 The RHRA will pay the City $98,552 for fiscal services, administrative staff support and the services of <br /> d'? the Community Development Director. <br /> 33 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br /> 34 Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into contracts with the <br /> 35 Roseville HRA for the City to provide fiscal services, administrative staff support and the services of <br /> 36 the Community Development Director and the Housing Program Manager and charge the Roseville <br /> 37 HRA $98,552.00 for those services. <br /> 38 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br /> 39 MOTION to authorize the City Manager to enter into contracts with the Roseville HRA for the City to <br /> 40 provide fiscal services, administrative staff support and the services of the Community Development <br /> ,1 Director and Housing Program Manager and charge the Roseville HRA $98,552.00 for those services. <br /> Prepared by: Patrick Trudgeon(651)792-7071 <br /> Attachments: A: Service Agreement—Fiscal Services <br /> B: Service Agreement—Administrative Services <br /> C: Service Agreement—Housing Program Manager <br /> D: Service Agreement—Executive Director <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />