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69 2. PAYMENT. Each City will compensate the other for services rendered in <br />70 the amount of 1.75 times the hourly base salary of the Assigned Worker(s) times the <br />71 number of hours worked by such Assigned Worker(s). Each city shall make monthly <br />72 payments, upon presentation by the other of a monthly billing equal to costs incurred for <br />73 that month. <br />74 3. INDEMNIFICATION. The Employing City agrees to assume sole <br />75 liability for any negligent or intentional acts of its Assigned Worker(s) while performing <br />76 the assigned duties within the jurisdiction of either City. Each City agrees to indemnify, <br />77 defend, and hold harmless the other from any claims, causes of action, damages, loss, <br />78 cost or expenses including reasonable attorney's fees resulting from or related to the <br />79 actions of the indemnifying City, its officers, agents or employees in the execution of the <br />80 duties outlined in this Agreement. Nothing in this agreement shall constitute a waiver of <br />81 the statutory limits on liability set forth in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or a waiver of <br />82 any available immunities or defenses. <br />83 4. TERMINATION, SEVERABILITY. <br />84 A. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either City, with or <br />85 without cause, by giving the other City written notice of such termination at least sixty <br />86 (60) days prior to the date of such termination. The date of termination shall be stated in <br />87 the notice. <br />88 B. Upon termination, any and all records or property of the respective Cities <br />89 will be returned to the City who is the owner of such records or property within 90 days. <br />90 C. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. <br />