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48 reemployment insurance benefits, and other employee related laws, including OSHA, <br />49 ERISA, RLSA, and FMLA. The Employing City shall retain the sole authority to control <br />50 the Assigned Worker(s), including the hiring, discipline, and termination of said <br />51 Assigned Worker(s). <br />52 D. ROSEVILLE and MAPLEWOOD shall coordinate the scheduling of <br />53 services to be performed under this Agreement through their respective City Managers, <br />54 or the City Manager's designee. No service shall be provided unless and until the City <br />55 Managers (or their designee) of both Cities approve the performance of such service. <br />56 E. Each Assigned Worker will be under the direct supervision of the <br />57 Employing City's City Engineer for the purpose of performance review and any <br />58 discipline related issues. It is understood that while the Assigned Worker is providing <br />59 services for ROSEVILLE, the Assigned Worker will be under the work direction of the <br />60 ROSEVILLE Public Works Director or his or her Designee. It is understood that while <br />61 the Assigned Worker is providing services for MAPLEWOOD, the Assigned Worker will <br />62 be under the work direction of the MAPLEWOOD Public Works Director or his or her <br />63 Designee. Each City shall notify the other of any and all complaints about the services <br />64 rendered by an Assigned Worker and cooperate in the documentation, investigation, and <br />65 resolution of the same in any manner. <br />66 F. All costs related to training, licensing, equipment, and other matters <br />67 concerning the professional development of the Assigned Worker(s) necessary to provide <br />68 services contemplated by this Agreement shall be borne by the Employing City. <br />3 <br />