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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 09,2012 <br /> Page 2 <br /> On a separate note, Mr. Olson noted that it was the one year anniversary of previ- <br /> ous discussions raised regarding identification of legal newspapers. Mr. Olson <br /> noted that last spring's legislative session had considered the issue of providing <br /> local governments the option of putting legal notices on their website versus the <br /> current requirement to designate legal advertising in a newspaper. Mr. Olson ad- <br /> vised that, unfortunately, the issue had gone to committee but lacked sufficient <br /> votes to pass it out of committee. Mr. Olson expressed his disappointment that he <br /> had not observed any Councilmembers from the Cities of Roseville or Falcon <br /> Heights lending any testimony. Mr. Olson noted that Rep. Bev Scalze had been <br /> on the committee and voted against the revision. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Malinen advised that he was unaware <br /> of the current position of the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) on this issue. <br /> c. Julie Wearn ,Roseville Visitors Association (RVA) <br /> Ms. Wearn announced the upcoming Fifth Annual Roseville Jazz Blast on Janu- <br /> ary 14, 2012 at Maranatha Hall on the campus of Northwestern College, with this <br /> day long performance free and open to the public. Ms. Wearn advised that addi- <br /> tional information was available at; with tickets available for <br /> evening performances before the event as well as at the door. <br /> 4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br /> ment Authority (HRA) Report <br /> Mayor Roe announced annual scholarship opportunities available through the North Sub- <br /> urban Cable Commission for students planning to attend or attending classes related to <br /> media and/or video production. Additional information is available through or <br /> by phone at 651/792-7500; with a deadline of April 13, 2012. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his personal thanks to Goodmanson Construction for <br /> their continued support of the City's Parks and Recreation programs; and specifically for <br /> their sponsorship of the recent New Year's Eve Celebration at the Roseville Skating Cen- <br /> ter. Councilmember Willmus noted that there were over 3,000 paid admissions for skat- <br /> ing, with all facilities heavily used, including the banquet area. <br /> Councilmember Willmus also announced the opportunity for meeting and Minnesota <br /> Wild players as they held a practice skate on January 22, 2012 at the OVAL. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that earlier today, he had attended the Regional Council of Mayors <br /> meeting with continued discussion regarding fiscal disparities. Mayor Roe noted that the <br /> legislature had commissioned a study that would hopefully provide impetus to reconsider <br /> current formulas, how they were allocated and how those funds were utilized. Mayor <br /> Roe noted the City of Roseville's current status as a net contributor in the metropolitan <br /> area pool of commercial property taxes. However, Mayor Roe advised that current dis- <br /> cussions indicated interest in a potential segregation of some of the funds for use as an <br /> economic development funding tool. <br />