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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 09,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Parks and Recreation Commission: Jason Etten; Mary Holt <br /> Planning Commission: John Gisselquist <br /> Public Works, Environment and <br /> Transportation Commission: Joan Felice; Steve Gjerdingen <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Pust; Willmus; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> c. Consider Authorizing an Agreement with Arizona State University for Best <br /> Value Procurement Method for the Park Renewal Program <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke and Parks Superintendent Jeff <br /> Evenson were present for this presentation. Mr. Brokke noted the previous con- <br /> struction management experience of Mr. Evenson; as well as his involvement in <br /> previous Best Value Procurement Methods used in the geothermal project on the <br /> City campus. <br /> Councilmember Johnson questioned the term of the license; with Mr. Brokke ad- <br /> vising that once the City obtained the license it would remain with the City in <br /> perpetuity. At the request of Councilmember Johnson regarding cost for the li- <br /> cense, Mr. Brokke advised that the City would receive a reduced cost from <br /> $25,000 reduced to $15,000 by going through the State of MN Central Purchasing <br /> Office. <br /> Mr. Brokke further clarified that the total cost of using ASU for the four-year <br /> program would be $200,000 plus the $15,000 licensing fee, as detailed in the <br /> RCA dated January 9, 2012. Mr. Brokke advised that the $215,000 had been in- <br /> cluded in the budget planning for the Park Renewal Program; and given the expe- <br /> rience of Mr. Evenson, there was no anticipated need for an outside construction <br /> manager, with Mr. Evenson acting as and coordinating projects in that role. Mr. <br /> Brokke noted that future daily maintenance needs were anticipated, and that those <br /> needs would be discussed with the City Council at a later date. Mr. Brokke ad- <br /> vised that the Parks and Recreation Commission had reviewed this proposal and <br /> recommended the Best Value Procurement Method (BVPM) as a leadership mod- <br /> el that secures the highest performing contractors, as further detailed in the RCA. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that BVPM versus low bid processes provided <br /> better end results; and with Mr. Evenson serving as construction manager, a sav- <br /> ings of 1-3% of the $19 million overall project and that this cost savings would <br /> balance out the cost of this contract. <br /> Councilmember Pust noted that the entire $19 million was not being spent in one <br /> chunk; and that a considerable portion of the pieces of construction would not re- <br /> quire a construction manager. Councilmember Pust questioned how and why <br /> previous training and sending staff(Mr. Evenson, Public Works Director Duane <br />