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r <br />lrq*kTdo ;a��� <br />MEETING <br />q. 4/12/82 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE P 1, NEEEEF� <br />Administration <br />ITEM DESCRIPTION" Hoffman Electric Company's request for <br />special use permit and variances to side yard setback an <br />I <br />variance to the number of parking spaces required at 2251 <br />through 2295 TH 36 and 2350 Fulham, <br />DEPT. HEAD AP •O <br />:7 <br />%AGR. REVIEWED/ RECOMMENDS7 <br />The Planning Commission at its April 7th meeting. unan 11m6usly recommended <br />approval of Hoffman Electric Company's request for special use permit <br />and. variances to side yard setback and sidewalk requirement at 2350 Fulham. <br />znd request for variance to the number of parking spaces required at. 2251 <br />through 2295 TH 36 and 2350 Fulham, with the following conditions: <br />Q That a two or three-story office building is approved. <br />t) That the applicant will construct the sidewalk as required aftef <br />the storm sewer is constructed, <br />3) That the final drainage plans and plan for access on Fulham Stree <br />be approved by the Public Works Director. I <br />.1.) That if the applicant constructs a three-story building' and the 280 <br />r <br />parking spaces provided. are determined to be inadequate by the City <br />the owner shall provide the additional parking as required by the' <br />ordinance. <br />Attached is the Planner's report, <br />Council Action Requested.- Motion approving/ deny ing Ho-f-fman Electric Company's <br />0 <br />