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November 12,, 1980 <br />Mr. Jim Pain <br />Asst. City Manager <br />ftoseville City Hall <br />2660 CiNic Genter Drive <br />loseville innesota 55113 <br />.2 MA <br />I would like to make a request for a Use Perrait for a one man <br />barber shop in my home (in basement) at 3083 No. Wilder Street., <br />Roseville, Minnesota. I'll work two days a week, no advertising and <br />I use no name. <br />I am retired and do not get a pension or free hosp.italization, <br />go it would be nice to have a little extra income, <br />My wife is nine years younger so she will need hospitalization <br />for quite a while. She also has to travel with my car to take her <br />mother to the grocery store-and doctors and dentist.. She also gets <br />zroceries for her sister 2S they are unable to help themselvesO <br />The neighbors do not mind as I have asked them and 1 will <br />have only appointments so there will be only one or two cars on thQ <br />street or in my driveway at a time. <br />very truly yours <br />19, get <br />Cecil A. Sanders <br />3083 No. Wilder StO <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 5511-1. <br />