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WOULD YOU PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO COMPLETE THIS SURVEY AND MAIL IT BACK.r <br />PO TA . EE! <br />This survey is being rrade to determine if a need exists in ROSeville for cable ion. <br />The responses to this surve y will also be used to determine the degree and types of ale <br />television needs to be served <br />in Roseville. Your responses are in portant to us sire only <br />a cress section of Roseville is being mailed surveys, <br />PLEASE I BY APRIL 15 <br />1i Numerous services benefits are available through <br />cable television. <br />Please indicate the <br />degree of importance you associate with each of the features listed <br />below: <br />very <br />Not <br />Important <br />Important <br />Inportant <br />IMProved television reception i i <br />. 41 <br />44 <br />37 <br />First nm Movies ■ ■* r t r t i T <br />+ T 59 <br />40 <br />26 <br />ational sporting events * . . . . , . . i t F * ■ ! <br />e * 37 <br />47 <br />38 <br />Local television ision orig :L lation <br />17 <br />5o <br />52 <br />L a Programs grams to choose from. • i ■ i F ■ . . T ■ * i <br />■ ■ 54 <br />45 <br />24 <br />Television without conmercials t. T i <br />59 <br />36 <br />28 <br />' o-way con$Tl micatioil ■ f ■ ■ <br />19 <br />43 <br />56 <br />Educational broadcasting � i i * ' � ■ ! i <br />T 36 <br />57 <br />5 <br />Property protection mni Loring (burglar, fire) <br />48 <br />44 <br />24 � <br />Live presentation of National & world events <br />39 <br />59 <br />�r <br />23 <br />Medical Protection services, i * i ! .1 . . ■ i <br />37 <br />52 <br />30 <br />Business data comTunicatiol'1 ■ ■ <br />■ <br />61 <br />55 <br />2. ore of the OPPOrtunities of cable television is the possibili of providing <br />. � � g program <br />Origination to local <br />groups or interests, Please indicate below our o in"on of <br />F � <br />importance of <br />11 <br />L� <br />Providing origl- nation to the following: <br />Local le i s k.iL a events <br />erl 1 t+J � � ■ * � i t . f t ■ ■ * ■ F # <br />■ i 12 <br />63 <br />52 <br />Kcal Political issues ■ � � <br />19 <br />72 <br />31 <br />Local school events ( sports ) i t F <br />12 <br />68 <br />42 <br />Local school educational issues, . r ■ ! <br />2i <br />65 <br />37 <br />* ■ r ■ i T i ■ T * i ! F T i <br />. t 16 <br />59 <br />Culture/Art events F t i 6 t. <br />16 <br />63 <br />42 <br />! t 1 i ■ . f ■ <br />Bus ines s ! d, t do <br />! ■ . s � ■ ■ <br />di 1 <br />� <br />61 <br />49 <br />Neighborhcod issues, <br />(over) <br />