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cipal recreation progranmingO <br />6 W 141. <br />64 <br />39 <br />ftmicipal public inproveimnts,, <br />0 a L 0 16 <br />64 <br />36 <br />Hobby proar a=ing, 49 <br />16 <br />51 <br />49 <br />Consumer af fairs <br />'30 <br />61 <br />24 <br />L c ncy alert capability <br />51 <br />46 <br />17 <br />CxirftEVfire prevention education <br />42 <br />51 <br />21 <br />Rela-gious acces s <br />16 <br />59 <br />42 <br />Hospital education + <br />9 <br />r- 0% <br />Ov <br />59 <br />County goviernrent issues 0 .0 9 a W 1 <br />4 0 2 W a 0 11 <br />65 <br />40 <br />Metropolitan Council issues. W a & M <br />& 7 <br />6o <br />■ <br />45 <br />Shopping guide/want ads <br />8 <br />49 <br />59 <br />■ Ethnic programmng <br />13 <br />36 <br />64 <br />Progran,ining for the ='vaixed/disabled, <br />mop- <br />26 <br />52 <br />32 <br />Pored gn language stations. I* <br />M PO 6 <br />33 <br />76 <br />■ Aside from the features previously <br />listed what other applications do <br />YOU see fdr the <br />cable television in our community? <br />4, <br />Do you believe that cable televis' J <br />in our comumity? yes 109- .On ShOuld be available to those who wish to subscribe <br />No 15 -- <br />hrm- <br />%bat are the major reasons fir your deci'saon? <br />If cahle television becorres available in Our camiunity do you believe you would want to <br />he a Paying subscriber? Yes 74 No 36 Dependent on Cost 13 Undeci de' 8 <br />Adonal Applications <br />*Note: Many indicated they were no longer interested in TV and never turned it on anymore <br />Some indicated they only watch Channel 2 <br />