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Mr, Roger A. Jensen <br />Attorney at Law <br />1800 American National Bank Bldg <br />St. Paul Minnesota 55101 <br />Re: St. Ba ul & Suburban Bus Co, vs, <br />City 0f Rosevi1le # et a1 <br />Our File No. 9119 <br />Dear Mr. Jansen: <br />TELEP14ON E <br />AREA COD( <br />This will confirm our telephone conversation of <br />September 3t 1980, At that time you agreed that the City <br />of Roseville would n' of . pi�osecuta our clients for the continued <br />use of 'the Long Lakes pr'opierty for parking and maintenance of <br />school buses after the expiration of their spec is 1 use permit <br />on September 9, 19800 <br />It is understood that as a condition of this concession, <br />that this office will move within the next 30 days to schedule a <br />motion for temporary injunction to sn3 oin the city from reventin <br />p g <br />our client to continua to use the Long Lake property until such <br />time as he I's able to move his operations to the Partridge Road <br />property. <br />Mr. Regan has in fon ned. me that the City of Roseville <br />is in the process of returning the documents he submitted in <br />order to obtain a special use permit for the partridge Road <br />property. Icy understanding is that the city is taking the <br />position that Section 10-320 of the Zoning Code must be amended <br />before such a permit can be requested. Although I believe that <br />motor freight terminals and truck rental operations are not <br />si.gni f icantl g <br />different from bus maintenance storage so as to <br />require an amendment to Section 10. 320, please consider this a <br />formal a 1 i cation to amend Section 10,320 b� addin the fol lowing <br />-- , n g <br />r Stara a and n�aint nanQP�,q s hoal_ and �cha rUer uses <br />including an adm fi n i s tr ' •�� <br />_ at�v� �_ � ����_ �_ park s��r� fa�i lit <br />d r 9 s loun i s a h ; .park � -- .._ -, yl <br />p ar o f f i ca and customer sales and <br />